我"這禮拜的文導好難懂...the rose for Emily...我連個rose都沒看到XD" 我媽"很長嗎" 我"不會阿,只是就沒頭沒尾的,而且老師之前有說過這篇是經典...就是每年必讀的那種" 我媽"經典都這樣阿...沒頭沒尾!!"
Never Forget Your Dream 可以怎麼翻的像論文題目一點呢?
除了知道可以怎樣好好的啟動 也該知道怎樣跟自己說暫停 健康最重要!!
"Life is like a dream for someone, but a series of challenge to me" --何英奇論文謝誌
期待 一個人的旅行 期待下午福星之旅: )
"i don't give a damn what other people do, i don't even care how they suffer. i just care how you suffer." ...nice... i wish i have a brother just like that XD
有些事一旦啟動 就很難停下 單純的相信祢愛我 單純的相信祢接手 就足夠了吧
[英語教學概論發生的笑話]有一個學派強調學生不該刻意的學習,而是經由類似潛意識的大量吸收再行內化...Teacher:"so what does this approach suggest?" Student:" they suggest that students should require the language ab-consciously" Teacher:" no~ is sub-consciously... we don't knock you off before the class, do we..."
好了 乖乖讀書了 去打文導報告了...