其實昨天從下午四點開始 就一連串發生很多事...
一個她哭了 另一個她又說這個場地她借了...
不得不說 我本來就沒有很在意會來多少新生
只是 多少會有點失望 但是腦中一直想著汪老師的話
但是到最後因為幾句話 我真的生氣了
第一次那麼不想禱告 第一次想奪門而出
大概是一些本來就有的偏見 一些還沒解決的問題
早上看到荒漠甘泉 也提醒自己 不以自己有的祝福為滿足
就像牧師說的 當境界擴張 讓我們再興建逃城吧
今年新莊來了三位新生 真的很開心 既是如此
過去了 忘記吧 這些不好的一切回憶 雖然大部分都是好的 我會永遠收藏
繼續忘記背後 努力面前 向著標竿直跑吧
感謝神 有這個學習的機會
第一次寫計畫 第一次當總籌 第一次厚臉皮在地餐動宣 第一次去申請地下道海報
第一次當串場主持人 第一次跟大家在教會作海報
開學好像很多人壓力都很大...我總是跟他們說everything takes time
接下來 好好把課業補起來 然後... 申請書卷獎: )
ps the following is my short reflection after the class of the Intro. of literature
the title is called "if"
i didn't check the grammar since it is just for fun and memory: )
you bought a diamend necklace...
being a honest person, you have invested your life--your time, your strength, your mind--in return
it is so tough and hard that sometimes you ask yourself what well become if you had decided not to buy it in the first place; but you told yourself it is what you are doing is worthy...
you show yourself prove and keep telling yourself that you got this necklace at the low price, maybe the lowest price on earth, and people do adore you when you put on the necklace...
but what the reality is you don't have the courage to admit that you are totally wrong and so foolish to do the decision at first
until... one day, maybe, you suddenly realize what you bought is actually a fake one
I can only say, "What a fool"!!
--a reflection after reading "the Necklace" and "the jewlry" by Guy de Maupassant