2006-03-23 16:11:00RED


1.We two who and who ?


2. How are you ? How old are you ?

怎麼是你? 怎麼老是你?

3. You don't bird me , I don't bird you , too !

你不鳥我 , 我不鳥你 !

4. You have seed , I will give you some color to see see , brothers!
together up!

你有種 , 我要給你顏色瞧瞧 , 兄弟們 ! 一起上 !

5. Hello , everybody !
If you have something to say , then say !
If you have nothing to say , go home !

有事起奏 , 無是退朝 !

6. you me you me !

彼此 彼此 !

7. You give me stop !

你給我站住 !

8. konw is know , noknow is noknow !

知之為知之 , 不知為不知 !

9. watch sister


10. dragon born dragon , chicken born chicken , mouse' son can make hole!

龍生龍 , 鳳生鳳 , 老鼠的兒子會打洞 !

11. American Chinese not enough .


12. heart flower angry open


13. go past no mistake past !

走過路過 不要錯過 !

14. U A American girl .
