2004-10-01 14:56:50chelchel

thzz ..

由今朝開始 我對住部電腦6粒鐘喇
daddy今朝返返mainland lu 臨走 同我嘈..無奈囉
佢話我放左學唔好周圍去 返屋企陪下媽咪坐下傾下偈
我講左好多次我冇周圍去 次次都仲要講 ...我好憎人唔信我
我駁佢又唔得嬲到自己喊 之後我就冇同佢地講野 到daddy出門口..我都冇say goodbye...

我好想出去 唔想o係屋企呀 章佢地就好啦.
they can concentrate on sth
put all their efforts on sth. 我都好想一班人一齊做一件事咁
我諗起7-lays ....i miss u all...

琴晚返到屋企 個scene嚇親我
my feeling is mixed.who can share w/ me?
i told car....and talk for a while..
thz...at that time,i juz want some1 to comfort me.
yep...dun think too much as i hv no control on it

cross my fingers for my dad'n mum

聽日有wholeday function k lunch then bbq
我唔要做個多愁善感既人..that's not me!!
be happy!!開心鬼 XD