2004-08-04 01:24:16尚未設定

[CSI] Jorja歷劫歸來訪談



Crime,’ punishment, resolution


August 3, 2004


'It's like if you have a large rock fall on your head ... you absolutely don't want another rock to fall on you!"

這是CSI的演員喬雅福克斯猶豫不決地, 在CBS驚人地開除她和同事喬治艾德斯, 又同樣驚人地聘回他們後, 第一次談論這個事件.

CSI犯罪現場,一齣充滿砂質(譯註:是在說回溯場景嗎?)和血腥畫面的科學辦案影集, 是目前收視率最高的節目, 還分出了另一個成功的分家, CSI邁阿密. (好萊塢巨石傑瑞布洛克海默是幕後製作人). 福克斯和艾德斯從影集一開始就加入了. 這場風波的中心和錢有關, 所以當演員沒有到場, 謠言不脛而走. 艾德斯主演上星期TNT頻道的電影"Evel Knievel", 堅稱他睡過頭了. 福克斯, 仍為職業上的大波動"處於震驚中", 表示這件事和金錢沒有關係.

That's "CSI" actress Jorja Fox, talking tentatively for the first time about the shocking firing of her and co-star George Eads, and then the equally startling turnaround when CBS rehired them. "CSI," a gritty, graphic forensic drama, is TV's top-rated series and has spawned a successful spinoff, "CSI: Miami." (Hollywood monolith Jerry Bruckheimer is the "CSI" producing power.) Fox and Eads have been with the show since it began. Money was at the heart of the matter, so the rumors went, when the actors supposedly didn't show up for work. Eads, who starred in TNT's "Evel Knievel" last week, has insisted that he overslept. Fox, who says she is "still in shock" from the professional push- pull, says the issue was not cash-related:

"我能說這和錢一點關係都沒有, 但我也可以說這件事對我而言還是一個謎. 我是說, 我不為錢演戲, 換句話說, 我看得沒有那麼重(that's not where I live). 我做過其他事, 有過其他工作, 那些都是為了金錢, 找個棲身處和糊口, 但我不給演戲定價. 雖然說, 很自然地, 我覺得該加薪的時候, 所有人都應該加. (影迷從她演的"記憶拼圖" 和急診室的春天裡的角色認識她)"

"I can say that it absolutely wasn't over money. But I can also say it is still something of a mystery to me. I mean, I don't act for money. That's not where I live, so to speak. I've done other things, had other jobs, where it was about money and putting a roof over my head and eating, but I don't put a price on my acting. Although naturally I think everybody's entitled to a raise when that time comes." (Fans know Jorja from the film "Memento" and from her original exposure in "ER.")

她認為她為什麼被炒魷魚? 福克斯強調她"興高采烈的"要回去上班, 很小心的回答: "這和一封我們都得簽名, 說一定要回去上班的信有關, 我真的一輩子, 至少我入行以來, 沒看過這種信, 我想他們不喜歡我的答覆. 我只覺得懲罰和"罪名"不符. 沒有人恐嚇誰, 沒有人貪得無饜要求星星,月亮,和太陽...然後突然間, CBS丟給我一根橄欖樹枝(譯註: 和平). 我真的把這件事當作一場誤會."

So why does she think she was fired? Fox, who emphasizes that she is "elated" to be back at work, replies carefully: "Well, it was over this letter that we were all asked to sign about reporting to work, and I'd really never seen such a letter in my life - my professional life - and I think they didn't like my response ... I just don't think the punishment fit the 'crime.' No threats were being made, nobody was asking for the sun, moon and stars ... and then, just as suddenly, CBS offered an olive branch. I really see this as a misunderstanding."

很顯然的她不想談得太深入 (第一顆石頭就夠人昏頭了), 她的聲音裡並沒有很大的情緒和節制的奮慨. 被炒魷魚已經夠丟臉了, 但她想要把不快拋諸腦後, 沒有人會繼續解剖這場風波. 她又加了些話,有點後悔的開玩笑, "我這人沒有先見之明, 你知道, 我加入CSI的時候, 我還想, 這影集真好, 可是沒有人會看的!"

It is clear the actress doesn't want to get too specific (that first rock was a stunner) and her voice betrays considerable emotion and controlled indignation. It is humiliating to be fired, but she wants to put it behind her; there'll be no prolonged autopsy on this event. She adds with rueful amusement, "I have no foresight. You know when I
got 'CSI,' I thought, 'What a great show; nobody'll watch this!'"

雖然如此,我們還是得問, 她到底有沒有加薪? "我得說CBS的好話, 他們確實要給我加薪, 但我拒絕了" 為什麼? "一方面, 喬治那時去留未卜, 那樣會讓我看起來像是以他的處境為樂(dancing on his misforture), 另一方面, 那和加薪無關."

Still and all, we had to ask: Did she get a raise? "To CBS' credit, they did offer me more money. But I turned it down." Why? "For one thing, George's head was still on the block - it would have looked like I was dancing on his misfortune. And, again, that's not what it was about."

談到比較快樂的話題, 喬雅的劇團"蜂蜜壺"正在洛杉磯上演一齣廣受好評的音樂劇, "親愛的伯納". 她如此熱情十足的描述音樂劇, 所以我們提議, "你們何不拍成電影, 拿到電視上播?"

"這主意滿有趣的," 她說

"讓CBS來拍, 反正你沒加到薪, 你還是能吃點甜頭."

她笑了, "這我可不知道, 記得, 他們只給我一根橄欖樹枝, 可不是一整棵樹!"

On to happier subjects. Jorja's theater company,
Honeypot Productions, has a well-reviewed musical running in L.A., "Dear Bernard." She describes it with such enthusiasm, we suggest, "Why don't you film it, put it on TV?"

"That's an interesting idea," she says.

"Get CBS to do it. After all, if you didn't get a raise, you should get something."

The actress laughs, "Oh, I don't know about that. Remember, they offered the olive branch. Not the whole tree!"


圖片: Jorja Fox in "Memento".