2003-09-09 11:53:04深藍

Time to say goodbye

Time sure flies. It's been a very good two years and it's time for me to say goodbye.
I think this is harder than leaving Taiwan two years ago because this time, I don't know when I'll be back.

It is hard to leave behind this beautiful city with The Charles River right by my apartment, where I enjoy the walk with the breeze during the day, where I take a ride at night under the starry sky... It's hard to leave behind this friendly country with my family far in Taiwan yet friends around me loving me, caring for me... It's hard to leave behind Boston as this is where I went for school at Emerson, where I found my first job at The Ritz-Carlton, where I found the music I love, and friends of kindred spirit. It's just hard to say goodbye.

But, goodbye, Boston; goodbye, friends. I don't know when, but I will be back... for this is a place so dearly to my heart.