2019-01-03 03:08:40qaioy048ysce

【不能不逛】Cybex賽百斯鉑霆系列Q i-Size兒童安全座椅 最近流行商品彌月送禮推薦


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Cybex Platinum Child Car Seat Sirona Q i-Size 設計式樣: Midnight Blue - navy blue · 2018

With the car seat Sirona Q i-Size, Cybex has launched the first i-Size car seat with impact shield. It features a 360° rotation and can be attached to your car by using an easy one-click installation with ISOFIX.

Group/ weight category:

  • From 45 cm to 105 cm in height

  • For children right from birth up to 18 kg

  • Suitable from birth u to approx. 4 years

Conforms to the norm:

  • ECE 129 (i-Size)

By using your car's own ISOFIX system you can easily install this car seat in either a rear facing or forward facing mode. Thereby, a direct connection between car seat and your car is created. In case of an impact all forces that occur are distributed away from the seat and transferred to the body of the car.特惠周年慶

This convertible car seat is suitable for children from 45 cm to 105 cm in height and supplies them with safety and comfort while traveling by car. Its new, smart design ensures enough leg room even for taller children.

Depending on the individual body type of your child, i.e. once your child has reached 76 cm in height and an age of 16 months, you can even use the Sirona Q i-Size in a forward-facing mode. In this position, a continuously adjustable impact shield protects your child properly. This impact shield works similar to an inflated airbag and absorbs the impact energy that occurs in a front end collision over the entire cushion.

The 360° rotation mechanism makes everyday use for you as parents considerably easier. Without having to detach the car seat completely, you can simply switch from a rear-facing mode to a forward-facing mode. With only a flick of the wrist you can turn the car seat to the side which makes it particularly easy for your child to get in and out of the seat.

The side impact protection which can be folded out to that side of the seat that faces the door contributes to the car seat's safety in case of a side impact. In combination with shoulder protectors and head protectors the LSP system reduces the forces that occur in a crash. Furthermore, when the seat is being installed in a rear-facing mode the risk of injuries in case of a front end collision are reduced.

The headrest of the Sirona Q i-Size can be adjusted in twelve different height levels. An integrated belt positioner grows with your child and thus supplies him with maximum protection at any age. Magnetic belt holders make getting in and out of the car seat particularly comfortable for your child. Always in the right position - being attached to the car in a rear-facing mode enables you to adjust the sitting and lying position in seven different levels while in a forward-facing mode they can be adjusted in five different levels respectively.


  • Convertible car seat that is suitable for children from 45 cm to 105 cm in height

  • One-click installation with ISOFIX

  • Can be attached in forward facing mode once child has reached 16 months and 76 cm in height

  • Forward facing with depth adjustable impact shield

  • Including new-born insert

  • Features a 360° rotation with easy access position

  • Single-handed adjustment of sitting and lying position (rear-facing in 7 different positions/ forward-facing in 5 positions)

  • Magnetic belt holders

  • 12-fold adjustable headrest with integrated belt positioner

  • Cover can be machine washed at 30°C

  • Size: L 71 cm x W 44 cm x H 63,5 cm

  • Weight: 15 kg

  • Designed and produced in Germany




Cybex賽百斯鉑霆系列Q i-Size兒童安全座椅





哥大華裔教授:政府應解散臉書 避免經濟被控制

曾因提出「網路中立」(net neutrality)概念,而引人關注的哥倫比亞大學華裔法學教授吳修銘(Tim Wu),日前再次提出新觀點,表示政府應在臉書(Facebook)等科技巨頭控制美國經濟前解散它們。

吳修銘在新書「巨大的詛咒」(The Curse of Bigness)中表示,臉書、亞馬遜(Amazon)和谷歌(Google)等科技巨頭影響人們日常生活的方方面面,但由於它們面臨的競爭太少,具有壟斷經濟的危害。







國際跨虹歡慶日見證「敢於不同」 民眾:政府無需特別立法,每個人都有自己的選擇

11日午後於信義威秀廣場盛大舉行國際跨虹歡慶日(Rainbow Crossing Day)。現場有許多身穿黑色T恤年輕人手持「敢於不同」黑紫氣球,發送給來往的家庭親子、年輕人。現場也請了美國福音饒舌歌手Michael Coleman、台灣本土DJ及華人國際樂團Hot Shack表演,炒熱氣氛。來自全球的跨虹勇是上台分享其改變的心路歷程,讓民眾知道只要你想就可能改變 。

活動現場設置多元化攤位,有VR體驗區、蛻變書籍分享、孩童性別的自信及跨虹微電影區。而來自香港的後同盟也設攤參與。後同盟的是由一群「後同性戀者(簡稱「後同」是指一 群有同性戀傾向,而想離開同性戀生活模式的人士。)」和關愛同性戀者的人士所組成。


現場多數民眾認為,其實他們並不確定同志為天生不可改變?但是只要他們過的快樂就好。至於國外吵得不可開交的禁止迴轉治療法律,多數民眾表示,政府無需特別立法,每個人都有自己的選擇,若同志想要變成異性戀也是他們的選擇,政府不應干預。 (吳雯淇/綜合報導)

Cybex賽百斯鉑霆系列Q i-Size兒童安全座椅

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