2019-01-02 21:49:20pvjlz31rnlzn

【會員專屬活動優惠】NUK 新生儿-迎套- 產品限定產品

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NUK Welcome Set

The NUK Welcome Set is the perfect starter kit for new-borns. As they always say: Preparation is crucial. That is why NUK has collected seven selected and practical products in one neat little bag that help you master everyday life with your baby.

The NUK Genius "My First NUK" pacifier soothes your little one, gives comfort and satisfies baby's inherent sucking reflex. The pacifier features a shape that is tooth-friendly and perfect for a child's jaw - its extra flat sucking part contributes to the natural sucking movements and thus provides a healthy development of the oral functions. A transparent NUK pacifier box for hygienic storage comes with the set.

The NUK Baby Brush's extra smooth nylon bristles are particularly gentle while massaging your little one's scalp. The practical grip can be held securely in one's hand. The modern and trendy light grey colour will be a visual highlight in your bathroom. The NUK Baby Brush provides optimum hygiene and can be washed at 60°C.

The NUK Baby Nail Scissors make baby nail care easy since they trim your little one's nails gently and accurately. The grip's non-slip soft material as well as the rounded tips offer high safety. The blades are made of stainless steel.

The NUK Cool Teether Set provides your baby with twice the help: The massaging ring "Classic" massages palate and gums while the teething ring "Cool" cools all sore and painful spots completely without fluids. The ergonomically shaped grip reaches any part of the jaw easily. The Teether Set's nubby surface stimulates baby's sense of touch and the easy snapping mechanism encourages your little one to play w省荷包網路人氣產品top10ith the teething ring.

The NUK Brush-and-Bite Teething Trainer and the NUK Brushing Trainer support your child on the way to proper dental care. The Brush-and-Bite Trainer gently massages both gums and palate and alleviates the pressure caused by teething. The soft and bite-resistant rubber knobs of the Brushing Trainer gently clean baby's first visible teeth. Non-slip security grips as well as the protective ring that prevents the Brushing Trainer from being inserted too deep into baby's throat provide optimum safety.

All the items can be stored in the NUK Bag that comes in a modern but neutral star-design. The bag provides enough space to store other small essential things for your little one. This washable bag made of "Öko-Tex"-tested fabrics will please you and your little one for a very long time. The NUK Welcome Set is ideal for giving away as a present.


  • Perfect starter kit for new-borns

  • Great for giving away as a present

  • 1 x NUK Genius "My First NUK" silicone pacifier, 0 to 6 months, 1 x NUK Pacifier Box for hygienic storage

  • 1 x NUK Baby Brush for gentle haircare

  • 1 x NUK Baby Nail Scissors (incl. protective cap) for baby's nail care

  • 1 x NUK Cool Teether Set, with massaging ring "Classic" and teething ring "Cool" (suitable from 3 months on)

  • 1 x NUK Brush-and-Bite Teething Trainer and 1 x NUK Brushing Trainer, incl. protective ring (suitable from 6 months on)




NUK 新生儿?迎套?





老布希最後遺言 向小布希說:我也愛你











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蔚來汽車 (NIO-US) 在美國成功上市,股價一度急漲 9 成,帶動大陸電動車汽車股集體大漲

近日來,電動車成為市場熱門話題。蔚來汽車 (NIO-US)12 日成功在美國紐約上市,首個交易日大漲 5.43%,收在 6.6 美元。

蔚來汽車 IPO 是中資公司在今年在美國上市的第三大規模,此次融資規模為 10 億美元,上市後蔚來總市值達到 64 億美元,但仍與特斯拉的 495 億美元市值差距頗大。

受蔚來汽車上市股價大漲影響,比亞迪 (1211-HK) 今 (14) 日開盤大漲 7.49%,連做手機外殼代工的比亞迪電子 (0285-HK) 也雨露均霑,股價早盤衝高至 4.87%,升破 50 日均線(港幣 9.153 元)。

此外,由樂視創辦人賈躍亭投資的美國新能源汽車公司法拉第未來 (Faraday Future),旗下一輛 FF91 的原型車運到廣州恒大中心門口,將專供高端客戶鑒賞,但未透露具體時間內容,消息再度刺激恒大健康 (0708-HK) 急漲 10.3%,截至近午盤,漲幅收斂至 4.95%,報港幣 10.6 元。

和諧汽車 (3836-HK) 董事會已批准進行買回庫藏股計畫,公司將動用自有資金進行買回不超過 5500 萬股自家股票,展現對公司未來信心。另外,和諧汽車投資的大陸新能源汽車製造商 FMC,目前已完成 B 產品限定產品輪融資,目前估值升至 22 億美元。

和諧汽車今日震盪走高,早盤一度大漲 17.63%,截至發稿,上漲 11.511%,報港幣 3.1 元。

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