2009-12-10 06:31:35大白熊

這邊 那邊

i have been here almost 100 days, and the days that i miss u guys might account for 85.7%.

since i came here, i like to visit the blog of candydog.
she just like me, is living abroad.
However, she is working holiday and i am studying.

i have to remind myself studying hard every day.
God help me to concentrate and have patient to study boring English. haha...
in addition, there is a lot of time i need to think clear about my future.
what is i really want?? what is i really want to fight ??
i can not pretend otherwise anymore. i see the problems in my life.
i can cope with it with GOD.

go back to study.

(my neighbors are two Italians, they are really noisy.)

