2010-10-03 01:47:38Renee

Change for Nothing

In this moment,

I can’t feel anything but my inspiration.

I can’t feel the world I living.

I can’t feel the cigarette I smoking.

I can’t feel the footsteps I walking.

I can’t even understand the letters I typing.


Moonlight is my sunshine.

I can see the little spot floating,

Dark blue, maroon, bottle green, deep purple, light yellow …

Filled to full in the fog covering entirely,

Existed invisibly in the air I breathe.

Born then die all in a sudden to reborn.


That’s the way we being,

It’s the sign of existing.

For the unexpected expectation,

We all need to be change …

Change for nothing.


Spirit Code: 201010030144

上一篇:As Time Goes By
