2008-01-07 14:26:23Renee
2007 The Pulitzer Prize - II
Realizing that Derek may never have an opportunity to get his driver’s license, something he’s told her he is anticipating, Cyndie French defies the rules and lets him drive up and down their street in West Sacramento. On the same day, Feb. 9, 2006. Cyndie met for the first time with hospice workers, and learns there is little time left for Derek.
Realizing that Derek may never have an opportunity to get his driver’s license, something he’s told her he is anticipating, Cyndie French defies the rules and lets him drive up and down their street in West Sacramento. On the same day, Feb. 9, 2006. Cyndie met for the first time with hospice workers, and learns there is little time left for Derek.
Derek is tearful as Cyndie tries to reason with him at the UC Davis Cancer Center on Feb. 14, 2006. She and Dr. William Hall argue that Derek should have a series of radiation treatments to shrink tumors spreading throughout his body and alleviate his pain. ”Derek, you might not make it if you don’t do this,” Cyndie tells her son. Derek fires back: ”I don’t care! Take me home. I’m done, Mom. Are you listening to me? I’m done.”
Derek is tearful as Cyndie tries to reason with him at the UC Davis Cancer Center on Feb. 14, 2006. She and Dr. William Hall argue that Derek should have a series of radiation treatments to shrink tumors spreading throughout his body and alleviate his pain. ”Derek, you might not make it if you don’t do this,” Cyndie tells her son. Derek fires back: ”I don’t care! Take me home. I’m done, Mom. Are you listening to me? I’m done.”
Cyndie always tries to have something at hand to take the sting out of her son, Derek’s doctor appointments. On March 8 after undergoing radiation treatment, they make the most of a dollar can of Silly String - and Cyndie then meticulously cleans up every bit of the stuff from the ground.Cyndie is a big fan of the Dollar Store.
Cyndie always tries to have something at hand to take the sting out of her son, Derek’s doctor appointments. On March 8 after undergoing radiation treatment, they make the most of a dollar can of Silly String - and Cyndie then meticulously cleans up every bit of the stuff from the ground.Cyndie is a big fan of the Dollar Store.
辛蒂安撫好朋友 Kelly(左)。知道德雷克時間已經不多,辛蒂給德雷克寫了一封信告訴他,他在對抗癌症的時候非常勇敢。
Cyndie consoles her best friend, Kelly Whysong, left, on April 24, 2006, Fearing Derek’s time is near, Cyndie wrote a letter to Derek about how brave he’s been during his battle with cancer. She reads it to her youngest son repeatedly, hoping he can still understand.
辛蒂安撫好朋友 Kelly(左)。知道德雷克時間已經不多,辛蒂給德雷克寫了一封信告訴他,他在對抗癌症的時候非常勇敢。
Cyndie consoles her best friend, Kelly Whysong, left, on April 24, 2006, Fearing Derek’s time is near, Cyndie wrote a letter to Derek about how brave he’s been during his battle with cancer. She reads it to her youngest son repeatedly, hoping he can still understand.
24 小時太短,母親想用自己的一生去守候。
把一束鮮花放到兒子床頭後,疲憊的辛蒂倒下了。此時德雷克的身體已經很虛弱了,需要媽媽 24 小時守護。
After placing a flower beside her son旧 head, a sobbing Cyndie drops to the floor on April 25, as her best friend, Kelly Whysong, left, and another friend, Nick Rocha, comfort her. Derek is too weak to acknowledge his mother旧 presence as she keeps a 24-hour vigil by his bed.
把一束鮮花放到兒子床頭後,疲憊的辛蒂倒下了。此時德雷克的身體已經很虛弱了,需要媽媽 24 小時守護。
After placing a flower beside her son旧 head, a sobbing Cyndie drops to the floor on April 25, as her best friend, Kelly Whysong, left, and another friend, Nick Rocha, comfort her. Derek is too weak to acknowledge his mother旧 presence as she keeps a 24-hour vigil by his bed.
Derek has a final burst of energy after days of Cyndie keeping vigil at his bedside. She helps her anguished son walk on April 26. A cancerous tumor has distended Derek’s stomach so far that his pants no longer fit. Another tumor in his brain impairs his eyesight making navigation difficult inside their rental home.
Derek has a final burst of energy after days of Cyndie keeping vigil at his bedside. She helps her anguished son walk on April 26. A cancerous tumor has distended Derek’s stomach so far that his pants no longer fit. Another tumor in his brain impairs his eyesight making navigation difficult inside their rental home.
Derek refuses to take pain medications because he fears further damage to his organs. He rages at his mother on April 28, blaming her for not making him healthier. ”You have to calm down and help me help you,” Cyndie says.
Derek refuses to take pain medications because he fears further damage to his organs. He rages at his mother on April 28, blaming her for not making him healthier. ”You have to calm down and help me help you,” Cyndie says.