2006-06-22 05:22:43 水中游。

I got flowers today


Paulette Kelley is credited for havingwritten the poem about getting flowers; however, this is untrue. It waswritten by Allen Dowdell in 1991, not by Kelley in 1992.

The Absence of Rage 暴力的缺乏
I Got Flowers Today (Poem)今天我收到花(詩)
Saturday 16th December 2000

I got flowers today. 今天我收到花。
It wasn’t my birthday or any other special day今天不是我的生日或什麼特別日子.
We had our first argument last night,我們昨晚第一次吵了架
And he said a lot of cruel things that really hurt me.而且他說了很多慘忍的事情真的傷透我的心。
I know he is sorry and didn’t mean the things he said我知道他很抱歉,而且他說的事都不是故意的。
Because he sent me flowers today.因為他今天送我花。

I got flowers today.今天我收到花。
It wasn’t our anniversary or any other special day今天不是我們的結婚紀念日或什麼特別節日。
Last night he threw me into a wall and started to choke me.昨晚他推我去撞牆,然後掐著我。
It seemed like a nightmeare.彷彿像場惡夢。
I couldn’t believe it was real我簡直不敢相信那是真的。
I woke up this morning sore and bruised all over.今早我遍體遴傷的醒來。
I know he must be sorry,我知道他一定覺得很抱歉,
Because he sent me flowers today.因為今天我收到花。

I got flowers today.今天我收到花。
It wasn’t Mother’s Day or any other special day.今天不是母親節或其他什麼特別節日。
Last night he beat me up again.昨晚他再次痛打我一頓。
And it was much worse than all the other times.比之前都還慘。
If I leave him, what will I do?如果我離開他,我能做什麼?
How will I take care of my kids?我該如何照顧孩子們?
What about money?錢呢?
I’m afraid of him and scared to leave.我怕他,但也不敢離開他。
But I know he must be sorry但我知道他一定覺得很抱歉。
Because he sent me flowers today.因為他今天送我花。

I got flowers today.今天我收到花。
It was the day of my funeral.今天是我的葬禮。
Last night, he finally kileed me.昨晚他終於殺了我。
He beat me to death.他把我打死。
If only I had gathered Enogh courage and strength to leave him,如果我有足夠的勇氣和力氣離開他,
I would not have gotten flower today.今天我就不會收到花了。