James的新文件釋出 -- 預告
釋出新文件:The Sovereign Integral
【另一方面,意識並不是任何特定宗教或靈性組織的專屬領域。它是那個全面臨在並且無限的東西,因此意識包含了所有事物。意識的速記版本,至少在我的探索裡,就是,它是一種個體的身份(a Sovereign identity)(自己self)和一種整體的身份(an Integral identity)(全體whole)之綜合體。因此,我對意識的術語就是the Sovereign Integral。
Consciousness, on the other hand, is not the exclusive domain of any particular religious or spiritual organization. It is the one thing that is completely present and infinite, and therefore consciousness is inclusive of all things. The shorthand version of consciousness, at least in my explorations, is that it is a synthesis of a Sovereign identity (self) and an Integral identity (whole). Thus, my term for consciousness is the Sovereign Integral.】
【Sovereign Integral 這個詞是在1998年我推出WingMakers 網站時首次提出的。這是最初發佈的資料的哲學文件中的一個嵌入的定義,在包括音樂、藝術作品、哲
學、一部小說和詩歌在內的一系列內容中相對較少提及,它被包裹在神話故事裡。在這份文件中,Sovereign Integral是舞台的中心。它是焦點。它不是作為神話的一部分被呈現出來,而是作為最真實存在的東西。我想強調的是,The Sovereign Integral 是一篇具有激進主觀性的紀實論文,因為只有意識才能喚起這樣的感覺。
The term, Sovereign Integral, was first brought out in 1998 when I launched the
WingMakers website. It was an embedded definition in the philosophy papers of the
initial release of materials, a relatively minor mention in an array of content that included
music, artwork, philosophy, a novel and poetry, wrapped inside a mythological story. In
this paper, the Sovereign Integral is centerstage. It is the focus. It is presented not as a
part of a mythology, but as the most real thing that exists. I want to stress that The
Sovereign Integral is a nonfiction paper with radical subjectivity, as only consciousness
can evoke.】
【你可以將“意識”一詞替換為“ Sovereign Integral ”。我互換地使用它們。這篇特定論文提出的只是意識的一個新面孔或面向,作為“為什麼意識如此難以捉摸,而它究竟是什麼?”這個問題的答案。
You can substitute the word “consciousness” with the term “Sovereign Integral.” I use
them interchangeably. It is simply a new face or facet of consciousness that this
particular paper is proposing as an answer to the question, “Why is consciousness so
elusive, and what is it, anyway?”】
【這是一個非常重要的區別。Sovereign Integral 是一種無限和獨特擴張的意識。它同時佔據二元的和非二元的領域。主權者(Sovereign)是個體的自性(individual Self),是那個始終存在的核心身份,即使 身體-自我(body-ego)不在了時。它
是生生世世之間的橋樑,並且它也是那些生生世世。然而,當它佔據一個人類身體時,它的身分被「得到了社會程式設定(Social Program)2之無所不在的指引所援助」的 身體-自我 給侵占擅用了。
This is a very important distinction. The Sovereign Integral is a consciousness of infinite
and unique expansion. It occupies both the dual and the nondual realms,
simultaneously. The Sovereign is the individual Self, the core identity that is always
present even when the body-ego is not. It is the bridge between lifetimes and it is the
lifetimes, as well. However, as it occupies a human body, its identity is assumed by the
body-ego, assisted by the ubiquitous signposts of the Social Program.2】
The Sovereign, and its unique connection to the Integral, are dismissed by the body, ego
and Social Program, as if it were a child that is being dismissed from the dinner table: “Carry-on, by all means, but please do it somewhere else”. The ego emerges as an
outgrowth of the survival instinct, and later in life, as the protective shield for the harsher
realities of the Social Program. The ancestral DNA confers tendencies and talents to the
body, which can also have an effect on the ego. Now we have the body and ego, sitting
at the “dinner table” enjoying their dinners in peace and quiet, tuned-in to the Social
Program. The Sovereign has been dismissed. The Integral repelled.】
【關於整體(Integral)的一點點說明。整體(Integral)與宗教和秘傳文本中的“精神(或聖靈或力量Spirit)”一詞最相似。它具有磁性,是Sovereign的核心吸引子,因為沒有它,Sovereign 很容易分心,它的理解擴展會受到熵(無序、混亂)的影響。當這些階段發生時(自由意志與社會程式設定混合在一起),Sovereign的基本天性仍然是要擴展到Integral(整體)的。
A little bit about the Integral. The Integral is most similar to the term “Spirit” in religious and esoteric texts. It has a magnetic quality and acts as the core attractor of the
Sovereign, because without this, the Sovereign could easily become distracted and its
expansion of understanding falls subject to entropy. While these phases occur (free will
intermixed with the Social Program), it remains that the fundamental nature of the
Sovereign is expansion to the Integral.】
【進化之手是附著在Integral的主體上的。Integral是所有領域的智能,這種智能是因為它作為「(所有)經驗的訊息之集合點」的結果。它是萬物的同伴,因此,它是包住所有生命的那個東西,那個本質。桌子前的兩個實體(身體和自我),沉浸在「社會程式設定」裡,相比之下,是排他性的。它們是主導人類社會文化景觀的一些部落小集團。正是透過這種部落主義,Integral(整體)被身體-自我-社會程式設定的「三位一體」給阻撓了,這「三位一體」會阻礙Sovereign Integral意識,因此,混淆了對於Sovereign Integral意識的臨在和目的之理解。
The hands of evolution are attached to the body of the Integral. The Integral is the
intelligence of all realms as a result of being the collecting point of experiential
information. It is the companion to everything, and it is therefore, the one thing and
essence that enfolds all life. The two entities at the table (body and ego), immersed in the Social Program, are, by comparison, exclusionary. They are the tribal cliques that dominate the landscape of human, social culture. It is precisely through this tribalism that the Integral is thwarted by the body-ego-social programーthe triad that obstructs the Sovereign Integral consciousness, and therefore, muddles comprehension of its presence and purpose.】
【註解2社會程式設定(Social Program):在二元性的領域裡,一個物種的集體腦力,在特定的時空中,對一個合意的實相達成一致;這是「社會程式設定」共享的 一半。另一半是Sovereign所經歷到的獨特的社會程式設定。社會程式設定包含這兩半,而它實際上就是「陷入了二元性裡的Integral」,被那些本質上是「二元的」的「存在的次元」降低了它的功能和能力。
2 In the realm of duality, where the collective mind of a species, in a particular spacetime, agrees on a consensus reality; this is the shared half of the Social Program. The other half is the unique Social Program that is experienced by the Sovereign. The Social Program contains both halves, and is actually the Integral in duality, reduced in its function and capacities by the dimensions of existence that are dual in nature.】
【我堅稱這是有意義的。它是讓Sovereign可以保持與Integral分離的方式,並且在某種意義上,在身體-自我中迷失它自己。這讓人類成為人類。著魔的肉體中有著愉悅,人類的體驗不能像工廠的產品一樣被創造出來。它們需要 間接的光並且與Sovereign和Integral分離。
I maintain that this is purposeful. It is the means through which the Sovereign can
remain in separation from the Integral, and, in a sense, lose itself in the body-ego. This
allows humanity to be human. There is joy in the enchanted flesh, and human experiences cannot be contrived as though they were products of factories. They require oblique light, and separation from both the Sovereign and the Integral.】
【163跨次元的碎形概念 | Sovereign 是一種跨次元的碎 形概念( Interdimensional Fractal Concept . IFC )。 Integral 、 Sovereign Integral 和 愛 也是一樣。
163 Interdimensional Fractal Concept | A Sovereign is an Interdimensional Fractal
Concept (IFC). So is the Integral, the Sovereign Integral and Love.】
【164 擴張是IFC的目的。然而,擴張必須是經驗性的。例如,在21世紀的這個時候,人類正在擴張進入所謂的元宇宙、虛擬實境和人工智能。它是「進入到二次元的空間之擴張」(It is the expansion intotwo-dimensional space)。在許多方面,它都相對應於「進入到四次元的空間之擴張」。兩者都是從一種三次元的,時空實相出發的擴張。每個次元的範圍都是無限的,但它的起始點是相同的。
164 Expansion is the purpose of IFCs. Expansion, however, must be experiential. For
example, at this point in the twenty-first century, humanity is expanding into what it calls
the metaverse, virtual reality and artificial intelligence. It is the expansion into
two-dimensional space. It is, in many ways, the equivalent of expansion into
four-dimensional space. Both are expansions from a three-dimensional, spacetime reality. Every dimension is infinite in scope, yet its inception point is the same. The life forms that are in the metaverse are avatars or digital twins of a three-dimensional Sovereign, and the three-dimensional Sovereign is an avatar of a four-dimensional Sovereign and so forth. This is the nature of an IFC.】
【我們正在進入一個人類將藉由元宇宙而下潛進入「二次元的空間實相」;以及在「想像中的存在」與Integral力量的引導下上升到「四次元的空間實相」之時代。這種二元性的擴張將對 集體社會程式設定 產生深遠的影響。
We are entering a time when human beings will submerge into two-dimensional spatial realities through the metaverse; and rise to the four-dimensional spatial realities with the guidance of the Imaginary Being and the Integral force. This dual expansion will have a profound effect on the collective Social Program.】
自我-身體-社會程式設定 :
跨次元的碎形概念 :
想像中的存在 :
還有一些 詩 與 美術 的結合:
The Integral’s Overture Integral的序曲
I am the oneness of all systems 我是所有系統的合一
and only that. 僅此而已。
I am not made of concepts or words 我不是由概念或文字構成的
or light or sound 或光或聲
or any materialization. 或任何具體化。
I am simply oneness. 我就只是一體。
It is my only state. 那是我唯一的狀態。
It is my only world. 那是我唯一的世界。
Because I am that, you are also that. 因為我是那樣,你也會是那樣。
There can be no exclusion in my world 我的世界不可能排除任何東西
or I do not exist at all. 否則我就根本不會存在。
You are woven into my world with great care. 你被小心翼翼地織入我的世界。
You are enfolded within me 你被包住在我裡面
and therefore you are my wings 因此你是我的翅膀
in which I move and take flight. 我以這些翅膀來移動和飛行。
「OMG !!!我真的是太驚訝了,他的圖竟然是用色鉛筆畫的……
First and foremost, I want to acknowledge my wife and partner of twenty-four years,
who has brightened my path immeasurably, and truly made this work possible. They
have simplified my life, providing the love, space and time for my passions. Endless
gratitude to you.】
敬請期待 ﹗
最後順帶一提,Mark他們 “規定”
Sovereign、Integral、Sovereign Integral三個字