造翼者資料 與 薩滿神祕主義(shamanic Mysticism)的關聯
造翼者資料 與 薩滿神祕主義(shamanic Mysticism)的關聯
談論他的美術創作理念的文章:作者的聲明(Artist’s Statement)
【造翼者的美術表達了一個微妙的經驗領域。在某些方面,最好將整個作品視為一種蛻變形式的旅程—-從一種被程式設定的動物意識,轉變為Sovereign Integral的意識。
The art of the WingMakers expresses a subtle domain of experience. In some ways, it’s best to view the entire body of work as a journey into a form ofmetamorphosis—moving from a programmed animal consciousness to a sovereign integral consciousness.】
From a content perspective, my work is harder to categorize, owing to its influence from three disciplines: quantum physics, consciousness, and mysticism.】
Having studied these interrelated disciplines for most of my life, I’ve found that these three subjects are very complementary and yet, as a triad, woefully underdeveloped in the art community. From a pure aesthetic perspective, being able to bring these elements into harmony and beauty, represents, to me, the greatest challenge of artistic aspiration.】
量子場是由Paul Dirac保羅狄拉克在 1920 年代首次提出的。這是次原子物質被認為可以解釋實相本質的時候。然而,一個粒子宇宙的概念正在被一個場宇宙的實相所取代,變得越來越明顯。宇宙,如物理學家所解釋的,是由次原子場(不是粒子)構成的,而這些場都是相互作用的,並且它們的擴張是宇宙性的。
Quantum Physics
Quantum fields were first proposed by Paul Dirac in the 1920s. This was when subatomic matter was thought to explain the nature of reality. However, it was becoming clear that the notion of a particulate universe was being replaced by the reality of a field universe. The universe, as physicists explained it, was made of subatomic fields (not particles), and these fields were all interacting and were cosmic in their expansiveness.】
These subatomic fields correlated to our understanding of consciousness as being different from the brain. The brain was being repositioned as the transmitter of consciousness, not its source. Consciousness was not contained in the brain (or body for that matter), but was rather using the brain from some indeterminate location in spacetime. Where and how consciousness originated was left a mystery. However, this is where the mystical and shamanic traditions stepped in and provided some experiential answers.】
If we go back into prehistory (i.e., 50,000 BCE), human, nomadic tribes were guided by shamanic leaders. Humanity lived or died on its ability to find water and food resources. Spiritual leaders were tasked with the responsibility to contact “nature spirits” in order to help the tribe find water and food. These divinations and mystical abilities were curated through natural selection and the hand of time, becoming known as the “mystical experience” in a small, but vibrant subsection of humanity.
隨著宗教的興起,神秘主義逐漸淡出人們的視線。來自宗教界的迫害認為,人不是聯合/一體的,”自然”不是人性的一部分,而那超自然的經驗,在神聖書籍的範圍之外,是邪惡的。因此,神秘主義被放置在佈滿塵土、高得無法觸及的人類經典的圖書館書架上。這種態度在19世紀盛行著,但逐漸失去動力 — 因此誕生了新時代或長青哲學。(譯註:宗教哲學的一種觀點,將世界上的各個宗教傳統視為是在分享一個單一的、普世的真理)
As religions sprouted, mysticism gradually receded out of view. Persecution from the religious quarters held that people weren’t unified, that nature wasn’t part of humanity, and that paranormal experience, outside of the purview of holy books, was evil. As a result, mysticism was placed on the dusty, too-high-to-reach library shelves of the human canon. This attitude prevailed well into the 19th century, but gradually lost momentum—birthing, as a result, the New Age or perennial philosophy.
Physics brought us quantum fields that assure us of human interconnectivity, and to some extent, immortality. Consciousness studies have shown us that the human brain is not the control center of the body. And mysticism, despite its persecution, has shown itself to be resilient and supported by science. The connecting element of this work is to link the three aforementioned themes and represent an innovative and thought-provoking approach to how art can illustrate the intangible and highly subjective worlds in the cross-section of quantum physics, consciousness, and mysticism.】