2009-04-25 15:11:00zsazsazsu

Times of your life

  好友雅萍要結婚了,她約了幾個朋友小聚,這提議真好,因為喜宴那天根本不可能抽空長談。話題一開始當然圍繞在她的喜事上,後來延伸到各自的工作,最後連童年回憶都聊起來了。   我和大家也好久不見了,扣除喜宴上見面的機會,其實各自忙碌著自己的生活,少有交集。若真的斷了音訊,也只能在心中惋惜卻又無可奈何。所以把握住每次相處的機會,或許,友誼能一直走下去。   回家的路上,mp3 傳來王若琳翻唱的歌曲,很能映襯當下的心情。


Good morning, yesterday (向昨日的種種說聲早安) You wake up and time has slipped away (當你甦醒時,時光已偷偷消逝) And suddenly it's hard to find (剎那間已經失去 你所遺留下來的記憶) The memories you left behind Remember, do you remember  (還記得嗎? 你還記得嗎?)   The laughter and the tears (所有的歡笑與淚水)   The shadows of misty yesteryears (交織過去那朦朧的影子)   The good times and the bad you've seen (所有經歷過的黑與白 與那些灰色的記憶)   And all the others in between   Remember, do you remember (你還記得嗎? 你還記得嗎?)   The times of your life (do you remember) (你生命中最珍貴的時刻)   Reach back for the joy and the sorrow (伸手抓緊歡樂與傷悲)   Put them away in your mind (跟記憶借些時間深深埋藏在心底)   The memories are time that you borrow   to spend when you get to tomorrow (然後在明日之前將它花盡)   Here comes the saddest part (落日將盡)   (comes the saddest part)   The seasons are passing one by one (四季總是不停著重複著)   So gather moments while you may (將收藏每個瞬間的夢想緊緊擁抱者)   Collect the dreams you dream today   Remember, will you remember (是否你還會記得)   The times of your life (你生命中最珍貴的時刻)   Gather moments while you may (將收藏每個瞬間的夢想緊緊擁抱者)   Collect the dreams you dream today   Remember, will you remember (是否你還會記得你生命中最珍貴的時刻)   The times of your life   Of your life (在你的人生中)   Of your life (在你的生命裡)   Do you remember, baby (你還記得嗎?)   Do you remember the times of your life (你還會記得你生命中最珍貴的時刻)   Do you remember, baby (你還記得嗎?)   Do you remember the times of your life (你還會記得你生命中最珍貴的時刻)