2013-11-21 00:19:27frank

[US] 在強勢汽車文化的國度裡騎單車事件危險的事

[ 美國 ] 在強勢汽車文化的國度裡騎單車事件危險的事

台灣也不是一個對單車友善的環境,但是「漸漸」變得友善些。雙北市推行的公共自行車系統似乎頗受好評,是少在台北市如此,Ubike 現在已竟是台北市街景的一部分了。不過當自行車普及之後,騎單車的交通文化應該也要跟上。在台北市,最令我反感的便是,明明是「行人優先」的人行道,不少單車騎士卻只一味不耐煩的按著車鈴。

顯然不少人對這篇刊登在紐約時報 (The New York Times) 的文章很有共鳴,英國的經濟學人 (The Economist) 也為文呼應。

Is It O.K. to Kill Cyclists?

Published: November 9, 2013

SAN FRANCISCO — EVERYBODY who knows me knows that I love cycling and that I’m also completely freaked out by it. I got into the sport for middle-aged reasons: fat; creaky knees; the delusional vanity of tight shorts. Registering for a triathlon, I took my first ride in decades. Wind in my hair, smile on my face, I decided instantly that I would bike everywhere like all those beautiful hipster kids on fixies. Within minutes, however, I watched an S.U.V. hit another cyclist, and then I got my own front wheel stuck in a streetcar track, sending me to the pavement.

I made it home alive and bought a stationary bike trainer and workout DVDs with the ex-pro Robbie Ventura guiding virtual rides on Wisconsin farm roads, so that I could sweat safely in my California basement. Then I called my buddy Russ, one of 13,500 daily bike commuters in Washington, D.C. Russ swore cycling was harmless but confessed to awakening recently in a Level 4 trauma center, having been hit by a car he could not remember. Still, Russ insisted I could avoid harm by assuming that every driver was “a mouth-breathing drug addict with a murderous hatred for cyclists.”


Onion-like though its title may be, Daniel Duane's opinion piece in Sunday's New York Times, "Is It OK To Kill Cyclists?", is in deadly earnest. As Mr Duane writes, motorists in America generally receive no punishment whatsoever for crashing into or killing cyclists, even when the accident is transparently their fault.