[西班牙語] 反身動詞 Reflexive Verbs
Reflexive verbs are used when the direct or indirect object of asentence is the same as the subject. Reflexive verbs require the use ofa reflexive pronoun to indicate who the subject /object is. These types of verbs are not very common in English, but are used frequently in Spanish to describe actions that a person does to, for, from, or off him or herself. Many verbs that express actions related to personal care or daily routines are reflexive and do not translate easily into English as "myself", "yourself," etc.
Reflexive Verbs
Reflexive verbs are made up of an infinitive and a reflexive pronoun. You can always tell which verbs are reflexive when you look them up in the infinitive form because they will have se attached to the end of the verb.
Some Common Reflexive Verbs
aburrirse (de) (to get bored with) | despertarse (to wake up) | enojarse (con) (to get mad about) | quitarse (to take off) |
acordarse (de)(to remember) | destaparse (to uncover) | irse (to leave) | reponerse (to get better) |
acostarse (to go to bed) | desvestirse (to get undressed) | limarse (las uñas)(to file) uña nf. nail, claw | secarse (to dry off) |
afeitarse (to shave) | disgustarse (de)(to become upset about) | maquillarse (to put on makeup) | sentarse (to sit down) |
alegrarse (de) (to be glad about) | distraerse (to distract oneself) | mirarse (to look at oneself) | sostenerse (to support, remain) |
bañarse (to bathe) | divertirse (con) (to enjoy oneself with) | olvidarse (de) (to forget about) | subirse (to get up) |
cepillarse (to brush) | dormirse (to go to sleep) | peinarse (to comb one´s hair) | taparse (to cover) |
convertirse (en)(to become) | ducharse (to shower) | pintarse (los labios) (to put on lipstick) | torcerse (to twist) |
desayunarse (to eat breakfast) | enfermarse (to become ill) | probarse (to try on) | vestirse (to get dressed) |
despedirse (to say good-bye) | enloquecer (to go crazy) | ponerse (to put on) | volverse (to become) |
Reflexive Pronouns
Reflexive pronouns have almost the same forms as indirect object pronouns except se is used in place of le and les for the third person. The reflexive pronoun will always be the same person (1st, 2nd, 3rd) and number (singular, plural) as the subject of the sentence.
Reflexive Pronouns
Singular | Plural | |
1st person | me (to, for, from, or off myself) | nos (to, for, from, or off ourselves) |
2nd person | te (to, for, from, or off yourself) | os (to, for, from, or off yourselves) |
3rd person | se (to, for, from, or off himself, herself, itself, yourself) | se (to, for, from, or off themselves, yourselves) |
Below you will find examples of how and when to use reflexive pronouns in context. In addition to an English translation for each phrase, you will see the infinitive form of the reflexive verb.
Reflexive Pronoun Placement
Reflexive pronouns are placed immediately before simple conjugated verbs and negative commands.
- Yo me saco los guantes. (sacarse) I take off my gloves.
- Tu te lavas la cara. (lavarse) You wash your face.
- Ellas se maquillan. (maquillarse) They put makeup on.
- No se escriba notas. (escribir) Don´t write notes to yourself.
Reflexive Pronouns are attached to... affirmative commands, gerunds, and infinitives.
- Estoy duchandome. (ducharse) I am showering.
- Quítate el sombrero. (quitarse) Take off your hat.
- Voy a afeitarme. (afeitarse) I am going to shave.
1) Write sentences using the subject and verb provided. Verb tense does not matter.
Example: Yo/quitarse/la bufanda. -> Yo me quito la bufanda. (I take off my scarf.)
- Gabriela/mirarse/en el espejo. espejo nm mirror
- Mi padre/ducharse/temprano por la mañana.
- Yo/pintarse/los labios.
- Tú/peinarse/el pelo.
- ¿Estás/lavarse/los manos?
- Gabriela se mira en el espejo.
- Mi padre se ducha temprano por la mañana.
- Yo me pinto los labios.
- Tú te peinas el pelo.
- ¿Estás lavandote las manos? (typo: "los manos" was wrong, should be "las manos")
This article by Ms. Paralee Whitmire was taken from the website of SpanishDict.com at above URL. The copyright remains with Ms. Whitmire and Curiosity Media, Inc., who were not involved with, and did not endorse the production of this blog.
Convento de Santa Teresa, Ávila, Provincia de Ávila, Castilla y León, España
by Frank 2005.12.12
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