2019-06-28 20:10:40prnhzxjdnnvr
【春節送禮推薦】Moon Buggy Jet R 熱銷商品超實用
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Moon Buggy Jet R 設計式樣: stone/fishbone · 2019
Whether you are taking walks in the countryside or else are on a shopping tour through town - the stable buggy Jet R masters all obstacles on the way with ease.
Discovering the world while sitting upright or lying flat - the Jet R provides you with a smooth adjustment of both backrest and footrest so that you can customise your buggy the way you want to. The three-point harness and the removable swivel front bar keep your child safe and protected - that way s/he can enjoy every ride.
This comfortable all-rounder also scores with its suspension wheels which are made of rubber and have an EVA core - absolutely breakdown-proof companions. Featuring many elaborate details such as a height-adjustable push bar that provides tall parents with maximum comfort while pushing the Jet R, a convenient handbrake as well as a large shopping basket, this Moon buggy will delight you immediately. The large sun canopy with UV protection 50+, a viewing panel and climate zone keep your child protected on sunny days. The rain cover is already included in delivery.
Tip: If you are active and mobile parents, you can also get the universal Moon adapter for attaching an infant car seat. That way, you can transform the Jet R into a travel system in no time at all!
Thanks to its compact folded size, you can easily store the Moon Buggy Jet R even in tight spaces. You will definitely make the right choice by getting this trendy buggy.
- Available in different designs
- Suitable from about 6 months and up, maximum weight of child: 15kg
- Including rain cover, handbrake, large shopping basket
- Footrest and backrest can be adjusted into full recline position
- Canopy with viewing panel, climate zone and UV protection 50 +
- Height-adjustable push bar (95-105 cm)
- Can be used as a travel system - Adaptors are not included in delivery
- Removable swivel safety bar removable
- Three-point harness
- Rubber wheels with EVA core, front wheels 18 cm, rear wheels 24 cm, suspension, removable, lockable
- Dimensions: 85 x 61.5 x 107 cm, folded size 46 x 61.5 x 86
- Weight: 10kg
Moon Buggy Jet R
汶萊皇家航空重返台灣 搭得到最新A320neo
繼法國航空、紐西蘭航空後,汶萊皇家航空今( 6 )日宣布,將於 12 月 3 日重返台灣市場,屆時每周將有 3 班從桃園直飛汶萊首都斯里百加灣市,並以空中巴士 A320neo 執飛。
汶萊皇家航空於 1986 年首航台北, 2003 年因 SARS 疫情停飛。執行長 Karam Chand 表示,對於汶萊來說,台灣是充滿魅力的觀光業市場,也是該公司主要航線之一。
目前暫定 12 月 3 日復航台北-汶萊航線,去程 BI452 航班 15:30 自桃園機場出發,當地時間 19:00 抵達汶萊機場;回程 BI451 航班 11:彌月送禮推薦結婚送禮推薦00 自汶萊機場起飛, 15:30 抵達桃園機場,每周一、四、五各 1 班次來回,使用 A320neo 執飛。
汶萊皇家航空目前擁有 13 架客機,包含 5 架波音 787-8 夢幻客機,以及各 4 架空中巴士 A320neo 及 A320ceo 型客機。今( 2018 )年 8 月底及 11 月將有 3 架 A320neo 陸續交機,汰換兩架舊型 A320ceo 。
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