2019-06-16 13:26:39ppxhzf3f9dvf

【刷卡購買享回饋】Nike Classic Cortez - 11098175 省錢達人上班族省錢大作戰

那天在路上看到Nike Classic Cortez - 11098175 ,覺得超級心動~~馬上回家搜尋 Nike Classic Cortez - 11098175 有沒有在特價,結果發現XD

在這裡購買Nike Classic Cortez - 11098175 有限時折扣優惠,趕快跟大家分享這個好消息


對了~我還google了一下Nike Classic Cortez - 11098175 評論,很多網友都說很好用!











Nike Classic Cortez 鞋款是由 Bill Bowerman 設計、1972 年發表的 Nike 原創款跑鞋。此版本精選皮革和合成皮革結構,提升耐久性。


  • 皮革與合成皮革鞋面,經久耐穿
  • 泡棉鞋底,實現輕量緩震效果
  • 橡膠外底採用人字型溝紋,提升摩擦抓地力
  • 顯示顏色: 白色/白色/白色
  • 款式: 749571-111
  • 原產國/地區: 印尼

  • Cortez 緣起

    Nike Cortez 是 Bill Bowerman 的首款傑作,以更輕的質地、更經得起風雨考驗的設計為亮點,打敗其他各路鞋款。1972 年,此鞋款融入前所未有的創新避震緩衝系統,成就了跑步界的極速經典,同時也以星火燎原之姿,成為風靡全國的訓練鞋。這雙非凡迷人的經典鞋款,帶著洛杉磯街頭的犀利風格迅速成長,成為展現個人風格與故事的絕佳標語。自此,Nike Cortez 奠定了跑鞋的尊榮地位,再也沒有堪與比擬的鞋款。

    訂單金額滿新臺幣 4,500 元即享免費標準運送服務

    • 標準運送的商品可於 2-5 個工作天內送達
    • 快遞運送的商品可於 2-3 個工作天內送達

    • 標準運送的商品可於 3-6 個工作天內送達
    • 快遞運送的商品可於 3-5 個工作天內送達

    訂單皆於星期一至星期五之間處理與寄送 (國定假日除外)

    NikePlus 會員可享免費退貨退貨政策例外情況

    3.7 顆星

    The Nike Cortez is Timeless Classic!

    arwatkins06 - May 16, 2018

    At the risk of dating myself, I have been wearing the Nike Cortez since 1979. Although there have been slight changes over the years, this shoe remains a “Timeless Classic”. I say that because the original white leather shoe with the varsity red swoosh with the blue mid-sole highlight and the waffle sole checks all of the boxes for comfort, style and fit. I do miss the white bumper that was affixed to the front of the shoe on the original release, but other than that, I like the softer leather and the whiter white on the shoe. I don’t run in them anymore, even though I’m sure I could, but I keep 2 pairs in my closet and wear them very regularly! I will keep wearing them as long as Nike makes them available in Men’s Size 10.

    Mixed Feelings about this shoe.

    Colfshsyg - Jul 03, 2017

    The Cortes. In some respects as iconic as Air Jordan, Max 95 or 1. They have decent leather maybe not premium but better than recent Jordan releases. The durability is great maybe as good as an Air Jordan Retro. I can certainly say so being a big man with speed like a cheetah. I can keep up with friends half my weight, etc, maybe not Olympics but. I went into a local store and tried on an UK 8 as I don't believe they had a 8.5(my true size). On the right shoe they felt fine and on the left they felt a bit narrow in the toe box area. Now I have a black big toe. I have had many problems with shoes from Nike such as Air Force 1 Low which I bought in my true size yet they fit way too big. Even an 8 didn't fit me. Anyway I believe this is a good running shoe if you buy it in your true size. I can't seem to find an 8.5 from the store that I bought it from also I noticed a lot of glue stains on the shoes themselves. Please can someone solve this situation. I wish to get an 8.5.

    Nice shoe, no yellow

    JasonP213294869 - Aug 15, 2016

    The trainer itself feels high quality and looks great, however in the pictures there are one or two small yellow sections(the back of the tongue and holder for the laces)-these 介紹下殺are NOT on the shoe and are instead white.

    I suppose it doesn't matter much but the reason I purchased the cortez on here was for the yellow touch that most other online stores didn't have in their pictures.





    Nike Classic Cortez - 11098175 討論,推薦,開箱,CP值,熱賣,團購,便宜,優惠,介紹,排行,精選,特價,周年慶,體驗,限時




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