2019-01-27 13:02:46pppzvp9jbfrf

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Cybex兒童安全座椅Pallas M-fix SL






Cybex兒童安全座椅Pallas M-fix SL











Cybex Child Car Seat Pallas M-fix SL 設計式樣: Purple Rain-purple · 2019

The Pallas M-fix SL child safety seat will delight all parents by its innovative safety features such as the depth-adjustable impact shield, the linear side impact protection (L.S.P. System), an optimised ventilation system and a headrest that can be adjusted in 12 different height levels. Its long service life of 11 years contributes to an outstand網路熱銷銷售排行榜ing price-performance ratio. When used as a group 1 child Safety seat, the Pallas M-fix SL reliably protects your baby with its depth-adjustable impact shield. For children weighing 15 kg and more (about 3.5 years), the safety seat can be transformed into the Solution M-fix SL in only a few simple steps.

戰利品Group / weight category:

  • Group 1/2/3

  • For children weighing between 9 to 36 kg

  • Suitable from about 9 months up to 12 years

Corresponds to standard:

  • ECE R44 / 04

The Cybex child safety seat can be attached quickly to your vehicle by using the ISOFIX Connect system. It enhances stability and safety over the entire service life of the safety seat with the help of a simple click system. The stable hooks are connected with the ISOFIX anchor points of the vehicle by using the click system. They can be folded back easily, making the seat compatible with vehicles that are not equipped with ISOFIX.

Thanks to the depth-adjustable impact shield, your child will be well protected and comfortable so that s/he can enjoy every ride in this safety seat. The Pallas M-fix SL is equipped with a removable seat insert for additional safety and greater seating comfort for the littlest. The patent-pending child safety seat provides your child with much more freedom of movement for their upper body as well as with the highest level of safety compared to traditional harness systems. The forces of an impact are distributed over the impact shield and reduced by its energy absorbing materials. This system resembles an inflated airbag and helps to reduce the forces in the event of an accident significantly. The harness does not cut in and the sensitive neck and shoulder area as well as the internal organs are protected.

Children at the age of 4 years and up are to be fastened by using your car's own seat belt. Belt positioners ensure the correct course of the belt.

Innovative side protectors (L.S.P. System) absorb the energy that occurs in the event of an accident at an early stage. The revolutionary L.S.P. System (Linear Side-impact Protection) systematically dissipates the forces of a side impact in a linear chain reaction via shoulder and head protectors. At the same time, the kinetic energy of the body occurring in an accident is absorbed at an early stage and the head is actively directed to a safe position. Furthermore, the L.S.P. system protects the delicate head and shoulders in particular and encloses them in the safety zone of the child safety seat.

The optimised ventilation system of this child safety seat features a network of ventilation ducts that supply your little one with a pleasant climate in the seat and back area even on hot days.

The Pallas M-fix SL can be adapted perfectly to every stage of your child's growth. The headrest that can be adjusted in 12 different height levels literally grows with your tiny human and ensures an extremely long service life of the seat. The backrest with adjustable inclination adapts ideally to and car seat and facilitates the installation of the safety seat.

In the recent Stiftung Warentest test, the Cybex Pallas M-Fix SL was awarded as the win流行最新出版ner of group 1/2/3 child safety seats.


  • Available in different designs

  • Installation in the vehicle with or without built-in Isofix

  • 2 in 1 child safety seat (group 1 can be transformed into group 2/3)

  • Linear Side Impact Protection (L.S.P. System)優惠專區必買

  • Depth-adjustable impact shield, removable seat insert

  • Optimised ventilation system

  • Headrest can be adjusted in 12 different height levels

  • Cover can be removed & washed at 30 °

  • Dimensions: L 42 x W 54 x H 63 cm

  • Weight: 5.8 kg

  • Developed and designed in Germany




Cybex兒童安全座椅Pallas M-fix SL





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Cybex兒童安全座椅Pallas M-fix SL

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