2013-12-05 15:39:39ppkee

Don't be too mature

Life is to be mature, mature people, speak and act firmly Dangdang, was not rash, not do things recklessly person.vitamin c benefits

But if it is too mature, also is not necessarily a good thing. Too mature, will be all too heavy, Ayutthaya deep, uncertain, it is difficult to get along with. Unlike straightforward person, honest, say what they mean, like a basin of water, have a look into.

Don be too mature
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Too mature, will be a lot of trouble, thought burden will be heavy, live more tired. Unlike the careless people, not what scheming, all day live be light of heart from care, eat well, sleep well, laugh.

Too mature, will lose the pure strength. Unlike the blooming flowers, pure and lovely.

People are always very contradictory. When their immature always longed to become very mature, once mature, and very regret, miss the past, lamented the most beautiful life. In fact, people mature and immature, does not depend on age, depending on the depth of experience. Some people is not age, but say what is give people a sense of maturity, some people even age arrived in one's seventies and eighties, it still looks young; some ups and downs, and never give up, still very strong.

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