2007-05-29 19:08:32powang2
《中英對照讀新聞》Italians cry out over free funerals for politicians義大利人抗議政治人物葬禮免費
A free funeral is not everyone’s idea of a perk but some politicians in northern Italy’s Veneto region defended recently the right to expense their final send-off amid a public outcry about freeloading politicians.
Councilors elected to the regional government have voted themselves 7,500 euros worth of funeral expenses, on top of generous pay, free lunches, parking, daily expenses and other extras.
"I don’t think it’s outrageous for Councilors to have their funerals paid for, as recognition for 10 or 15 years of public service," said Veneto regional council president Marino Finozzi of the right-wing Northern League party.
Tackling reports that Councilors voted the perk months ago under cover of night, he said it was "not true we approved it at night because we were ashamed. It just happened to be late."
But after the last rights reached the ears of the media in the midst of a national debate about the public’s lack of faith in Italy’s bloated political apparatus, other Councilors said they would vote to abolish the privilege.
perk:名詞,指津貼、額外補貼(口語用法)。如A company car and a mobile phone are some of the perks that come with the job.(公司配車和手機是這份工作連帶的一部份津貼。)
send-off:名詞,指告別、送行(常為單數)或新的開創機會,如We’ll have to give her a good send-off when she leaves the office.(當她離職時,我們得替她辦一場風光的送別會。)
A free funeral is not everyone’s idea of a perk but some politicians in northern Italy’s Veneto region defended recently the right to expense their final send-off amid a public outcry about freeloading politicians.
Councilors elected to the regional government have voted themselves 7,500 euros worth of funeral expenses, on top of generous pay, free lunches, parking, daily expenses and other extras.
"I don’t think it’s outrageous for Councilors to have their funerals paid for, as recognition for 10 or 15 years of public service," said Veneto regional council president Marino Finozzi of the right-wing Northern League party.
Tackling reports that Councilors voted the perk months ago under cover of night, he said it was "not true we approved it at night because we were ashamed. It just happened to be late."
But after the last rights reached the ears of the media in the midst of a national debate about the public’s lack of faith in Italy’s bloated political apparatus, other Councilors said they would vote to abolish the privilege.
perk:名詞,指津貼、額外補貼(口語用法)。如A company car and a mobile phone are some of the perks that come with the job.(公司配車和手機是這份工作連帶的一部份津貼。)
send-off:名詞,指告別、送行(常為單數)或新的開創機會,如We’ll have to give her a good send-off when she leaves the office.(當她離職時,我們得替她辦一場風光的送別會。)
《Sex A~Z》booty tax-性愛稅
a.花在喝酒、晚餐、買衣服上面的錢,見炮友預算(booty budge);b.無法挽回的財產損失,如耳環、手機、內褲等,以及出來混的必要開銷,像買手機、內褲、保險套等;c.星期天晚上的憂鬱;d.星期二早晨的宿醉;e.染上性病(STD)的危險性;f.永恆的恐懼,擔心自己會一輩子找不到真命天子,然後孤獨地死去,身邊只有十五隻貓咪陪著你。(摘自《簡明性愛辭典》大辣出版)
a.花在喝酒、晚餐、買衣服上面的錢,見炮友預算(booty budge);b.無法挽回的財產損失,如耳環、手機、內褲等,以及出來混的必要開銷,像買手機、內褲、保險套等;c.星期天晚上的憂鬱;d.星期二早晨的宿醉;e.染上性病(STD)的危險性;f.永恆的恐懼,擔心自己會一輩子找不到真命天子,然後孤獨地死去,身邊只有十五隻貓咪陪著你。(摘自《簡明性愛辭典》大辣出版)
沒想到外國也一樣啊 2007-05-30 20:57:22