2007-09-22 13:09:44CharLIE

never changed, never again

How much courage does it take to blow off the old dust off that old diary?
To stare at that book of heartache

How much determination does it take to open that first page
to start reading that first word

To read what she has written first, and I have written later
to revisit those words of joy and of pain

The words never changed, I could still see your joyful face
and I still hope you are happier than I

The words never changed, I could still taste my sorrow
and I condemn myself

’cause I thought I had grown......

Knowing this.

knowledge is Pain
Ignorance is Bliss

Bliss is euphoric

Pain is better
Pain is realer


How much guilt does it take to start writing on this cursed diary again?
To confess that deepest, most primal, my original sin

The next stage is worth documenting

Set the bar high this time

Half a year is not enough, not nearly enough