2005-06-12 17:40:58Rebecca

[會話] Shopping for a digital camera!


課堂上同學提到的幾個購買digital camera時會考慮的特點(features):
1. 外觀亮眼:sleek and stylish.sleek-有光澤的,stylish-有型的(這字應該很熟吧);便於使用/攜帶:handy
2. 五/六百萬畫素:5/6 megapixel (專業用現有14megapixel)
3. 三吋(超)高解析度視窗:3-inch (ultra-) high resolution display; 可變解析度:variable resolution function
4. 三倍光學(伸縮)鏡頭:3X optical (zoom) lens; 廣角鏡頭:wide-angle lens(es)
5. 快門速度:shutter speed. ex. to have a shutter speed range from 1/6000 to 30 seconds. 快門速度從六千分之一秒到三十秒.
6.相容性:compatibility ex. compatible with Canon mount. 與Canon機種相容.
7. 無線影像傳輸/列印: wireless transmission/printing from the camera to your computer (or online photo albums)
8. 影像編輯&加圖片說明:to edit photos and add captions. 依相簿瀏覽照片:to view photos by album
9. 可拍一千五百張照片:1500 photos/memories;相當於256 megabyte記憶體: 256 MB worth
10. 觸控式螢幕面板:touch screen interface
11. 免費軟硬體更新:free firmware and software update
12.長待機時間: long battery life 或是 save battery 省電功能.
13. 鋰電池: lithiumion battery(鋰離子電池)-- aih, 這個字怎麼發音,就請各位去查查字典囉! ^^
14. 雙電池設計: dual battery

WOW, 還有沒有其他要求啊?!這樣一台數位相機可能價格不菲喔!~

有興趣的同學也可以上幾個相機大廠的網站去逛逛,例如:Sony, Canon, Panasonic...等, 應該會有不少收穫哦!

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