2012-10-23 23:10:40planner

7 Ways To Convince Your Boss You Deserve A Raise

7 Ways To Convince Your Boss You Deserve A Raise

by: Dayna Steele

1. Did you contribute to the company's profit in a substantial way since your last raise or since you were hired? Do the research and come up with the hard numbers.

2. Be prepared with several examples of what you specifically did to make the company more successful--a project, a cost-saving measure, a new hire, etc.

3. Do the research to see what others are being paid for this work so that you can name the amount you want and back it up with facts.

4. Create a professionally formatted document with the profit numbers, the examples of what you did, and the amount you want.

5. Make an appointment in advance so you have dedicated time to discuss your raise with the decision maker. Note: Try to make the appointment when your manager is least busy. For many, that is after lunch.

6. Practice what you want to say and how you want to say it with a friend, family member, or in front of the mirror, including several scenarios of what your manager may say or ask at the meeting.

7. Come to the meeting dressed like you care, be aware of your body language, and present your request and the facts that back it up. Keep it brief and to the point. Give your manager the prepared document just before you leave.

Tackle Image: Nicholas Moore via Shutterstock