2008-10-21 10:08:39我.就是我,就是pink

really just feel

really just feel tired

especailly tonight

I know PINK’s English is very bad I know

I know I can’t understand many things

but PINK really learnd it everyday every time

really just feel tired


want to cry ???

I think missing
2008-10-28 20:33:26

喔ˇ主耶穌!請你保守PINK的心懷意念,即使他遠離家鄉,也不致於軟弱!主阿~!請您給他堅強的心,在任何問題中,都能有你的陪伴及依靠~!喔~主阿 您是我們的牧者 幫我們找尋迷失的方向 !!!!!

oh my gaosh
you are really my best friend XDDDDDD"
I know I know
the dear God will =]
I love you XDDDDDD"
very much thanks =]
thanks for paying for me
really thanks =]
PINK sooooo happy
2008-10-28 21:02:13