2008-09-24 03:44:11我.就是我,就是pink
If you
if you don’t like PINK
just tell PINK,that is ok,you know ????
if you don’t give PINK a good face,....why PINK need to give you a good face ?????
I don’t know what’s wrong with your eyes.....
HA” don’t look around and around
if you really don’t like what
just can tell PINK
YOU KNOW ?????
and another you
if you think that you know PINK very much
I think PINK need to tell you
that you are wrong
and that is a very big
WRONG !!!!!!!! FUCK
just tell PINK,that is ok,you know ????
if you don’t give PINK a good face,....why PINK need to give you a good face ?????
I don’t know what’s wrong with your eyes.....
HA” don’t look around and around
if you really don’t like what
just can tell PINK
YOU KNOW ?????
and another you
if you think that you know PINK very much
I think PINK need to tell you
that you are wrong
and that is a very big
WRONG !!!!!!!! FUCK