2008-08-29 03:46:11我.就是我,就是pink

oh !!!!!

ohhhh !!!!!

today (8/27)

we picked up the Danmark girl at night

she must arrived at 11:25 PM

but !!!!!! the airplane

delay !!! delay !!! delay !!!


wait !!! wait !!! wait !!!

for a long long long time =[

soooooooo tired ......

because Dad need to work at morning

so we go first ....

still 1:30

when we come back home

the time is already .....2:00AM

OH MY GOD !!!!

soooooo tired.....

I think that she will arrived at 3:30AM........terrible

ps: My camera ......broken !!! oh shit

because I lend that to my mom’s grandson

then......he droped that on the floor oh my......

BROKEN !!!!!!!