2007-04-14 15:57:41Halley

Guideliness for a Summary

Guidelines for Readind for a Summary

1. Consider why the article or story was written.
2. Look for repetitions of the same idea or theme.
3. As you read, decide who or what are the main characters, ideas, or event.
4. Look for the "keys" of the story: time, place, characters, problems,solutions, etc.

Guidelines for Writing a Summary

1. Use your own words to summarize the story, unless you quoted from the story.
2. Accurately reflect the story.
3. Mention the name of the auther and the title of the story.
4. Refer to the auther and what the auther said.
5. Don’t forget any important points and don’t include any unimportant,unnecessary details.
6. A summary should present the general idea in less than one-third of the story’s original length.