2011-05-14 20:12:39PiggyMum

Pictures talking-Piggy in Taiwan 3-1

像是穿越時空的競走,他已經四度來台。雖然他只有三歲半。Running likes through the time, he has been 4 times in Taiwan, although he is only 3,5 years old.


He was curious about everything and shows his love and hate with some kind of pure immature boys way. 他對什麼都好奇,用純男孩的不成熟,表達他的喜好跟厭惡。


He still doesn’t know Taiwan is a country with finest food. But he already knows there is guavawax appleyakult and rice and noodle are so delicious, far different from where he knows. 他依然不清楚台灣是個美食國度,但是已經知道這裡有芭樂、蓮霧跟養樂多、麵麵飯飯的味道好吃到跟他所認識的很不同。


He found a Big auntie in Taipei International Flora Exposition and decided to dance with her. 在台北花博讓他遇上大嬸婆然後他決定與婆共舞也不錯。

And then the Exposition made him sleeping like a baby.


Zoo was also a good place for him, look how far he could be, 動物園對他來說也是個好地方,看他學得有多像。


Mango Ice dish was quite a shock but he still loved to try. Of course he could not finish this entire try. 芒果冰是個大震撼,但是他還是嚐試了,只是當然沒吃完。


Leave all the flowers in English home garden; in Taiwan he still missed crisps. 放下在英國家園裡的花,在台灣他還是洋芋片的迷戀者。


搭高鐵去台南玩得很開心,小橋流水似乎挺合他意。He was very happy by the high-speed rail to Tainan, also liked the small bridge over stream very much.


He sweated walking hard in Mao Kongand sweating even in the night is a big memory in Taiwan. 貓空冒汗健走他也很努力,而連睡覺都冒汗是他在台灣的一個大記憶。


街頭流浪也是這次台灣行的重大戰績,小豬一次可以走上五六公里。Running on the long streets was also a big success this time in Taiwan. Piggy can walk along 5 to 6 kilometers in one goal.



news today 2011-05-19 16:38:49


美國俄勒岡州立大學(Oregon State University)哲學家克拉夫(Sharyn Clough),發表在最新一期「社會科學暨醫學」(Social Science and MedicineJournal)期刊上的研究指出,性別差異使得男孩與女孩從小接受不同的教養方式,西方社會傳統觀念要求女生必須隨時保儀容整潔,「捲捲頭髮梳理整齊,繫上緞帶」,不能像男孩一樣動不動就玩得全身髒兮兮。


豬媽 2011-05-18 21:48:02


s 2011-05-18 21:34:41
