2011-05-21 14:45:13 小鯨魚

Happy 20th Birthday Visual Basic!



Happy 20th Birthday Visual Basic!

Twenty years ago, May 20th, 1991 at Windows World, in Atlanta, Microsoft founder Bill Gates demoed Visual Basic 1.0. Twenty years later, the 10th version of this latest in an unbroken line of Microsoft BASIC languages stretching back to Microsoft’s founding is still going strong. When you look back over the history of a tool that’s been around that long you start to see some familiar experiences from Wetware products (commonly called children :P ): The cute and cuddly days of its youth, in the 16-bit era; the awkward teen years and the transition to .NET; sibling rivalry with the new baby (C#); and finally getting those braces … er, underscores off :). And now, finally out of those turbulent teen years, a matured language looks to the future. Visual Basic has always had a personality for humanizing programming and with Async methods in vNext it continues that tradition.

You might ask after two-decades how VB can keep re-inventing itself to face modern and future challenges. The answer is quite literally that – re-inventing itself.  OK, more accurately re-writing itself. The VB compiler is being re-written from the ground up in Visual Basic and its syntactic and semantic analysis services exposed through a managed API that exposes parse trees, expression binding, assembly production (and more) to enable a world of new scenarios including REPL, VB as a scripting language, and more. It’s all very exciting! As a VB user for … half my lifetime, now, it’s great to look back and be proud of where VB has been, happy with where it is, and especially excited about where it’s going!

I have many fond memories of Visual Basic and likewise great aspirations for its future and I know millions of customers out there have the same. Please, share your stories (and hopes), and join me in wishing our old :P friend, VB, a Happy 20th Birthday and many more! :D

Anthony D. Green
Program Manager
Visual Basic (code-name "Roslyn") Compiler


VB, 居然已經20歲了, 當年力推這個的比爾蓋茲, 已經退休專心他慈善事業

真是可怕啊 , 1991 年的時候, 鯨魚還沉迷在C/C++/BASIC的世界裡面,



一直至今, 連任這些年來的MVP也是靠VB來的

科技的進步真的很快, 這幾年尤其更快, 都有種趕不上的感覺

機器人也是, 鯨魚作機器人都是利用VB作各種應用控制



鯨魚的機器人教室和工場已經蓋好囉, 正在構思擺設裡面的東西

不過我想也許到最後只會擺一張桌子, 反正就是擺一堆零件在桌上胡搞嘛^__^a


也許, 又過20個年頭, 這個世界會到處是機器人在街上行走

也許, 機械公敵的景象能在有生之年見到呢

當然, 我想機器人不會像電影演的那麼聰明就是了



(悄悄話) 2011-05-22 19:58:11
(悄悄話) 2011-05-21 16:03:49