2005-08-16 21:25:33白小天與黑小夜~
Today really relax ~not much things to do~
anyway~since i not get much enough info up to now~
so i cannot organize a product book for my clients~
just keep on check mail and see website!~~
today lunch go fok yuen~this is our favourite restaurent~
28$$$ buffet ~~
i lunch with all big boss and it is free !!~~
they keep ask me about university life ~~~great ~~
at least no deadair~~~
dinner go to a new restaurant ~~eat chicken noodle~
nothing special ~but the peer juice is quite good ~~i like it !~
anyway~since i not get much enough info up to now~
so i cannot organize a product book for my clients~
just keep on check mail and see website!~~
today lunch go fok yuen~this is our favourite restaurent~
28$$$ buffet ~~
i lunch with all big boss and it is free !!~~
they keep ask me about university life ~~~great ~~
at least no deadair~~~
dinner go to a new restaurant ~~eat chicken noodle~
nothing special ~but the peer juice is quite good ~~i like it !~