2010-09-10 13:45:56李秀 Lee Hsiu
35. 寂 寞 Lonely (bilingual children's poem)
13. 寂 寞 阿爸!汝敢會當佮我耍一下? 袂使得,阿爸欲愛去上班 叫阿母陪汝蹉跎啊 阿母!汝陪我蹉跎一下好無? 無閒啦,阿母即馬欲去菜市仔買菜 叫阿姐綴(tshua7) 汝去街仔路踅踅咧 阿姐!汝綴我去街仔路踅踅咧敢好? 那有可能,阿姐欲考試即馬愛準備 汝袂曉家己一个人耍哦 好啊!我只好家己一个人耍矣 Lonely Daddy! Would you please play with me? No, I want to go to work Let Mama play with you Mother! Would you please play with me? No, I want to go grocery shopping Let Sister play with you Sister! Would you please play with me? No, I want to get ready for school You play by yourself Okay! All I can do is play by myself!
上一篇:34. 烏暗的雲 Grey Clouds (bilingual children's poem)
下一篇:36. 狗蟻食我的餅 Ants Eat My Biscuits (bilingual childen's poem)