2004-11-15 01:43:42非比


晚上,剛從Boston風塵僕僕地回來,馬麻忙著做晚餐,把拔則拿起「Barnyard lullaby」念給樂樂聽。

One night,when the barnyard was quite,Mother Hen begin to sing. To the farmer in his bed her song shouded like to much cluck,cluck,clucking.

But her chicks heard the music and understood the words.To them it was a beautiful lullaby that went like this:

Gather round,my chicken,
Cuddle as I sing,
Let yourselves grow sleep,
Safe beneath my wing.
Close your eyes,my darlings,
Let your cares drift away.
Go to sleep,my sweethearts,
Tomorrow is a brand-new day.


「這是你讀完的第一本書唷,樂樂。」把拔說,「長大以後,如果你的教授問你,哪一本書是你第一本讀完的英文書,要記得告訴他,就是Barnyard lullaby唷!」