2006-05-21 11:12:34安傑羅

Christmas light

This is a photo from BBC website. Although it’s a not Christmas yet, the photo make me feel so happy because of the atmosphere of it. Festivals and holidays seem to be an indispensable part of people’s lives.
Recently, while pursuing my work at FEMH, an unexpected thing happened. It’s unbearable for me to do those fluttery and blandishments as someone else did. I know many collegues support me, and they recognize me as the most appropriate candidate for that job, it’s just something below the table going on. I decided to do nothing more than declaring clearly my intention. This is the way I brought up, and I valued it very much. Wife is quite supporting, as well other friends. However, this is the problem I have to deal it with by myself.
Talking about these stuffs are so vexing. So I would rather think of Christmas, when everyone is happy and the music, songs can be heard all around.
It’s great to keep the ”Christmas mood” in hectic lives. And the same time, thinking of my wife and the little one.