2016-07-26 22:38:16perezrh6g38

幼兒美語教材 app 學習 英文線上家教 qualitative psychology中文意思是什麼

    幼兒美語教材 app 學習 英文線上家教專業課程 英文 商業用英文線上英文一對一 語言學習法 怎樣學英語德文 線上 英檢高級 國小伴讀網上英文新聞 如何學外語英文線上閱讀 學英文 新聞 全民英檢中級題庫下載兒童學英語 學英文ptt全英文教學 上班學英文 網路英文學習



qualitative psychology中文意思是什麼

qualitative psychology解釋?英文的方法 線上英文發音 免費英文教學網站


  • qualitative: adj. 1. 質的,質量上的。2. 性質上的。3. 【化學】定性的,定質的 (opp. quantitative)。adv. -ly 1. 性質上;質量上。2. 用定性方法。
  • psychology: n. 1. 心理學。2. 心理。3. 心理學論著;心理學體系。

  • Qualitative tests are those that are expected to lead either to more testing or to abandonment of the project.

  • Look into next year, above all need reviewing was mixed last year even this year the year before last year, can say, grail drops through abidance of a few years, the pannikin that acclaims be in fashion for a period before a few years, science and technology, recombine etc is simple congenial idea almost what had changed to these 2 years is very malapropos, but big change often is need time is mixed accumulate, quantitative change will be changed finally into qualitative change, people from to these stocks from love to arrive to coma detesting also is to need time to change likewise

  • At present, research in driving fatigue stay on qualitative and conceptual analysis in china. there are few researches in quantitative analysis and experimental test of driving fatigue factors, the emerging time of driving fatigue and the characteristic of physiology and psychology after driving fatigue

  • The quantitative and qualitative researches in psychology

  • Through systematic incorporation of various psychological and physiological equipments, this paper finds out : 1 ) available experiment equipments and their adaptive range, which represents the groundwork for asserting distinct analytical method for roadway design ; 2 ) the classification of data though fuzzy clustering based on speed consistency ; 3 ) the correlation between drivers ’ psychology activities and their heart rates ( in this case, through qualitative analysis, the research verifies heart rates as an typical indication of the driving behavior ) ; 4 ) the correlation between roadway alignment and fluctuation of heart rates ; and the issuing of preliminary threshold value of level of intension of driver ( through quantitative spectrum

    本文在大量行車實驗數據的基礎上,分析得到: 1 )在半徑大於某一定值的路段上行駛時,駕駛員的心率變化率與坡度、坡長和運行速度均有關系,其中速度對心率變化率的影響最大。 2 )坡度相同的條件下,速度越大,駕駛員心率變化率越大;速度相等時,坡度越大,駕駛員心率變化率越大; 3 )上坡時駕駛員的心率變化率與坡長關系不大,主要受坡度和速度的影響;下坡時,坡長、坡度

    qualitative and quantitative research, qualitative aspects of errors, qualitative property, qualitative reaction, qualitative regulation, qualitative relationship

    qualitative psychology中文意思是什麼

    線上聽英文 高中一對一英文家教費用
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