2016-07-21 08:15:36perezrh6g38

一生必學的英文單字 英文講師 implicit function theorem中文意思是什麼

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implicit function theorem中文意思是什麼

implicit function theorem解釋


  • implicit: adj. 1. 含蓄的,不講明的。2. 內含的,隱含的 (opp. explicit)。3. 絕對的,盲目的。adv. -ly
  • function: n 1 功能,官能,機能,作用。2 〈常 pl 〉職務,職責。3 慶祝儀式;(盛大的)集會,宴會。4 【數學】...
  • theorem: n. 1. (能證明的)一般原理,公理,定律,法則。2. 【數學】定理。

  • Node. select or clear enable property evaluation and other implicit function calls

    選中或清除「計算:始終允許屬性和其他隱式函數調用」 。
  • When evaluation of properties or implicit function calls is turned off, you can force evaluation by using the

  • This can be useful when implicit evaluation of properties and implicit function calls is turned off

  • According to the problem that performance functions for structures are difficult to be explicit expressed, a method based on neural network was utilized to transform the implicit function into an explicit expression

    英檢中級文法 兒童課程 摘要針對結構可靠度分析中極限狀態方程不能明確表達的情況,結合神經網路技術,提出了隱式極限狀態方程轉換為顯式表達式的方法。
  • Paper [ 76 ] provides a integer algorithm for rasterizing free curves, we need change the curve form to implicit function form, then use curve ' s positive - negative property to draw, but we ca n ' t use this algorithm when curve ' s degree is higher than 3 and this algorithm ca n ' t avoid using multiplication ; paper [ 77 ] provides a new generating algorithm, this algorithm can draw bezier very well, but for b - spline curve, we need use convert them into bernstein base form. because this process spends a lot of time, this algorithm has not a good speed and effect for rendering rational b - spline curve

    現在經常採用的演算法也是基於幾何的演算法(即線式生成演算法)和基於像素的演算法(點式生成演算法) ;文獻78 ]提供了一種有理參數曲線的快速逐點生成演算法,該演算法對有理b吮ier曲線的繪制,能起到很好的作用,但是對于有理b樣條曲線,必須先通過多項式的代數基與bemstein基間的變換矩陣,把原式用bemstein基表示,這一過程由於計算量大,降低了曲線生成的速度和效率

    implicit formula, implicit function equation, implicit function generation, implicit identification, implicitly-defined, implicity

    implicit英文補習班推薦 線上發音 英文 function theorem中文意思是什麼
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