2023-05-12 09:58:21peregrine

CERN加速器技術將強化超高劑量率放射治療設備 (舊譯文)

How can technology developed at CERN for high-energy physics bring state-of-the-art radiotherapy to a hospital just along the lakeside in Lausanne?

在歐洲核研究組織(CERN European Organization for Nuclear Research)為高能物理開發的技術,如何能將最先進的放射療法帶往,就在瑞士洛桑市日內瓦湖畔的一家醫院?


The technologies in question include high-performance electron accelerator components and simulation tools originally designed for CERN’s Compact Linear Collider (CLIC). Now, a collaboration between CERN and Lausanne University Hospital (CHUV) plans to use these to create a system for clinical delivery of FLASH radiotherapy.



FLASH radiotherapy, which involves delivering therapeutic radiation at ultrahigh dose rates of 40 Gy/s and above, vastly decreases normal tissue toxicity while maintaining anti-tumour activity. Of particular note, FLASH should enable dose escalation, potentially offering a new option for cancers that are resistant to treatment.



In all experiments so far, we observed that normal tissues are spared with this type of radiation,” says Jean Bourhis, head of radiation oncology at CHUV. “It’s a really reproducible effect. And there is no sparing of the tumour.”

瑞士洛桑大學醫院放射腫瘤科主任,Jean Bourhis宣稱:「在迄今的所有試驗中,他們觀察到,正常組織不會受到這類型輻射的傷害。這是一種真正可複製的效能。且沒有不被傷害的腫瘤。」


Bourhis pioneered the development of FLASH radiotherapy, leading the team at CHUV that performed the first FLASH treatment in a human patient in 2018. The patient in question had a resistant superficial skin cancer and was treated with low-energy electrons of roughly 10 MeV.

超高劑量率放射治療的發展先驅,Bourhis2018年,瑞士洛桑大學醫院於一名人類病患中,進行首度超高劑量率放射治療的團隊領導人。該名正被討論的病人,罹患一種具抵抗力的淺層皮膚癌,且經使用大約10 MeV(百萬電子伏特)的低能電子治療。


Next, he would like to translate the impressive observations seen in an experimental setting into clinical trials. To treat larger tumours at depths of up to 20 cm in the patient, however, will require much higher energy electron beams.



“A clinical FLASH system must have a high accelerating gradient to achieve the beam energies needed to access deeper-seated tumours, energies in the range of 100 MeV,” explains Walter Wuensch, a senior researcher at CERN.

CERN資深研究員,Walter Wuensch解釋:「臨床超高劑量率系統必需具有高加速梯度,來達到治療較深部腫瘤的所需。也就是,在100 MeV範圍內的電子束能量。」


This ability to accelerate beams in a very short distance, he notes, was one of the technologies designed for CLIC. The other key aspect of the high-energy physics study was to deliver a high current in a well-controlled and extremely stable beam – another important requirement for FLASH.



“For some years, CERN has been studying accelerator technology for a possible high-energy physics facility,” says Wuensch. “We have developed prototypes and shown their feasibility and performance. So it was with real excitement that we found out about the needs of CHUV. After some initial discussions it became clear that what we had developed for CLIC seemed an almost perfect match for what is needed for a FLASH facility.”



The CERN–CHUV partnership has now finished the first phase of its study: moving from an initial idea to creating a conceptual design for the proposed FLASH facility. The next step will be to develop this baseline design in more detail to optimize the system for patient treatments.



The team also hopes to collaborate with an industry partner in the radiotherapy field. Alongside, while the machine is being prepared, CHUV will start to prepare the required teams and infrastructure, and submit applications to regulatory agencies so that the treatment can reach patients as soon as possible.



Bourhis predicts that the FLASH facility should be operational within two to three years, at which point the team plans to embark on proof-of-concept in clinical trials. He notes that after these trials, the system could be transferable to other hospitals.



The system will be 2–2.5 times larger than a conventional radiotherapy machine, but should still be compact enough to fit into existing hospital infrastructure. The cost of the first protoype system (being installed in CHUV) is estimated to be about €25m; though if manufacturing scales up, this price should come down.



FLASH treatments, however, only require the patient to undergo two or three radiation fractions, compared with 20 or 30 for standard radiotherapy. As such, Wuensch suggests that the eventual cost-per-treatment could be competitive in absolute terms with classical radiotherapy.




