2023-03-07 16:52:53peregrine

為何諸多科學家表示SARS-CoV-2不太可能源自‘實驗室外洩’ (舊譯文

During the first year of the COVID-19 pandemic, the “lab leak” theory gained little traction. Sure, U.S. President Donald Trump suggested SARS-CoV-2 originated in a laboratory in Wuhan, China—and called it “the China virus”—but he never presented evidence, and few in the scientific community took him seriously.

2019冠狀病毒症(COVID-19Coronavirus Disease-19)大流行的第一年,“實驗室外洩”理論鮮少獲得吸引力。當然,美國總統唐納德·川普暗示,第二型嚴重急性呼吸系統徵候群-冠狀病毒(SARS-CoV-2Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus-2)起源於中國武漢市的實驗室,且稱它為“中國病毒”。不過,他從未提出證據。因此,科學界很少人當真地受他影響。


In fact, early in the pandemic, a group of prominent researchers dismissed lab-origin notions as “conspiracy theories” in a letter in The Lancet. A report from a World Health Organization (WHO) “joint mission,” which sent a scientific team to China in January to explore possible origins with Chinese colleagues, described a lab accident as “extremely unlikely.”



But this spring, views began to shift. Suddenly it seemed that the lab-leak hypothesis had been too blithely dismissed. In a widely read piece, fueled by a “smoking gun” quote from a Nobel laureate, a veteran science journalist accused scientists and the mainstream media of ignoring “substantial evidence” for the scenario.



The head of WHO openly pushed back against the joint mission’s conclusion, and U.S. President Joe Biden ordered the intelligence community to reassess the lab-leak possibility. Eighteen scientists, including leaders in virology and evolutionary biology, signed a letter published in Science in May that called for a more balanced appraisal of the “laboratory incident” hypothesis.



Yet behind the clamor, little had changed. No breakthrough studies have been published. The highly anticipated U.S. intelligence review, delivered to Biden on 24 August, reached no firm conclusions, but leaned toward the theory that the virus has a natural origin.



Fresh evidence that would resolve the question may not emerge anytime soon. China remains the best place to hunt for clues, but its relative openness to collaboration during the joint mission seems to have evaporated.



Chinese officials have scoffed at calls from Biden and WHO Director-General Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus for an independent audit of key Wuhan labs, which some say should include an investigation of notebooks, computers, and freezers.



Chinese vice health minister Zeng Yixin said such demands show “disrespect toward common sense and arrogance toward science. In response to the increasing pressure, China has also blocked the phase 2” studies outlined in the joint mission’s March report, which could reveal a natural jump between species.

中國副衛生部長,Zeng Yixin表示,這種要求顯示“對常識的不尊重及對科學的傲慢”。在對日益增多的壓力反應上,中國也已經阻擋諸多,於聯合任務可能揭露,物種間自然躍進之3月報告中,被概述的“第二階段”研究。


Despite the impasse, many scientists say the existing evidence—including early epidemiological patterns, SARS-CoV-2’s genomic makeup, and a recent paper about animal markets in Wuhan—makes it far more probable that the virus, like many emerging pathogens, made a natural “zoonotic” jump from animals to humans.



Some of those clues have led Michael Worobey, an evolutionary biologist at the University of Arizona who has done groundbreaking work on the origins of HIV and the 1918 flu, further away from the lab-origin theory. Although he always viewed it as less likely, he co-signed the Science letter calling for a more thorough investigation of the lab-leak hypothesis.

其中有些線索已經引領了,美國亞利桑那大學,在人類免疫缺陷病毒(HIVHuman Immunodeficiency Virus)1918年流感之起源,曾進行開拓性研究的演化生物學家,Michael Worobey進一步遠離實驗室起源的理論。雖然他一直認為,這較不可能。不過,他共同簽署了,於《科學》期刊,呼籲更徹底調查實驗室外洩假設的信函。


But like at least one other signatory, he now has second thoughts about that plea, in part because it heightened political tensions. “I think it probably did more harm than good in terms of actually having relevant information flow out of China,” he says.



Jesse Bloom, an evolutionary biologist at the Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center who spearheaded the Science letter, says the lab-origin theory will continue to thrive until the Chinese government becomes more cooperative.

上述《科學》期刊的信函領頭者,美國弗雷德哈欽森癌症研究中心的演化生物學家,Jesse Bloom表示,實驗室起源的理論將持續旺盛,直到中國政府變得更為合作。


I don’t think Chinese scientists are less trustworthy,” says Bloom, who has sharply criticized China for attempting to “obscure” data about early COVID-19 cases. But its clear that, at least in relation to this topic, they are operating under strong constraints imposed by the government.



AT ITS CORE, the lab-origin hypothesis rests on proximity. A novel coronavirus, genetically linked to bats, surfaced in a city that’s home to the Wuhan Institute of Virology (WIV), which has long specialized in studying bat coronaviruses, and two smaller labs that also handle those viruses. One or more lab workers could have become infected by accident, then passed the virus to others.



Lab accidents are not unheard of, after all: SARS-CoV, the coronavirus that causes severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS), has infected researchers as many as six times after the global outbreak of that disease ended in July 2003.



A researcher’s infection with SARS-CoV-2 needn’t have happened in Wuhan itself. Alina Chan, a gene therapy researcher at the Broad Institute who also co-signed the Science letter, cites a study by WIV researchers, published in 2018, that sampled blood from 218 people who lived 1000 kilometers from the city near caves that were home to coronavirus-infected bats.

研究人員感染SARS-CoV-2未必曾發生於武漢市。也共同簽署《科學》期刊信函的博德研究所基因療法研究員,Alina Chan引用了武漢病毒研究所,研究人員們於2018年所發表,一項從居住於距離該城市1千公里,靠近遭冠狀病毒感染之蝙蝠棲息洞穴,218人取得血液樣本的研究。


Six of these people had antibodies that suggested prior infections by SARS-related bat coronaviruses, a branch of the family tree that includes SARS-CoV, SARS-CoV-2, and close cousins. Wuhan researchers have visited that area repeatedly and “easily could have picked up something from a human who already carried a human-adapted form of a SARS-related virus,” Chan says.



Shi Zhengli, the lead bat coronavirus scientist at WIV, denies that anyone at the lab fell ill around the time SARS-CoV-2 emerged. In an email interview with Science in July 2020, she wrote that “all staff and students in the lab” were tested for SARS-CoV-2 and related coronaviruses and were negative.

武漢病毒研究所的首要蝙蝠冠狀病毒科學家,Shi Zhengli否認,於該實驗室裡的任何人,在大約SARS-CoV-2出現時,生病。在20207月一項接受《科學》期刊的電子郵件採訪時,她寫道,“於該實驗室的所有職員及學生”皆接受SARS-CoV-2及相關冠狀病毒的檢測,結果呈陰性。


Still, in January, days before Trump left office, the U.S. Department of State said the “government has reason to believe that several researchers inside the WIV became sick in autumn 2019.”



And on 23 May, The Wall Street Journal reported the existence of an “undisclosed U.S. Intelligence report” that said three WIV researchers “sought hospital care” in November 2019. The story had no details about their illnesses, and some have noted that Chinese hospitals provide care for all ailments, including minor ones.



Virologist Robert Garry of Tulane University finds it improbable that a Wuhan lab worker picked up SARS-CoV-2 from a bat and then brought it back to the city, sparking the pandemic. As the WIV study of people living near bat caves shows, transmission of related bat coronaviruses occurs routinely.

美國杜蘭大學的病毒學家,Robert Garry認為,武漢實驗室的工作人員,不大可能從蝙蝠感染上SARS-CoV-2,之後將其帶回該城市,從而觸發此大流行病。因為,武漢病毒研究所,有關生活於靠近蝙蝠洞穴之人的研究顯示,相關之蝙蝠冠狀病毒的傳染經常發生


“Why would the virus first have infected a few dozen lab researchers?” he asks. The virus may also have moved from bats into other species before jumping to humans, as happened with SARS. But again, why would it have infected a lab worker first? “There are hundreds of millions of people who come in contact with wildlife.”



Another data point argues against infected researchers playing a role, Garry says. As the WHO joint mission report spells out, clusters of early COVID-19 cases had links to multiple Wuhan markets around the same time, which Garry says supports the idea of infected animals or animal traders bringing the virus to the city.



A lab worker with COVID-19 would have had to make “a beeline not just to one market, but to several different markets,” he says. “You can’t rule it out, but then why the markets? Why not a soccer game or a concert or 100 other different scenarios?”



But David Relman, a Stanford University microbiome researcher who also co-signed the Science letter, questions the “hopelessly impoverished” data on the earliest COVID-19 cases. “I just don’t think we have enough right now to say anything with great confidence,” Relman says.

不過,也共同簽署上述《科學》期刊信函之美國史丹佛大學微生物體研究員,David Relman質疑,有關最初COVID-19病例之“一貧如洗的”數據。Relman宣稱:「他只是不認為,目前咱們有足夠的正當理由,以高度信心說任何事情。」


Linfa Wang, a molecular virologist at the Programme in Emerging Infectious Diseases at Duke-NUS Medical School in Singapore who has collaborated extensively with WIV on bat coronavirus studies, has a simpler reason for dismissing the lab-leak hypothesis.

新加坡杜克-新加坡國立大學所屬醫學院,新興傳染病計劃之分子病毒學家,針對蝙蝠冠狀病毒研究,曾與武漢病毒研究所廣泛合作的Linfa Wang,有個更簡單的理由,駁回實驗室外洩的假設。


“Accidents can only happen when you already have a live virus in culture that can leak,” Wang says. Bat coronaviruses are notoriously hard to grow. Shi told Science last year that her lab had more than 2000 bat fecal samples and anal and oral swabs that tested positive for coronaviruses.



But the lab had only isolated and grown three viruses over 15 years, Shi said, and none closely resembled SARS-CoV-2. Some have questioned Shi’s veracity—she may well be under pressure from the Chinese government—and noted inconsistencies in her statements, but several scientific collaborators outside China have high regard for her integrity.



Wang also discounts reports that WIV has live bats. “Many years back” the lab conducted immune studies on live bats, Wang says, but these were not of the genus Rhinolophus—the only one found to harbor SARS-related coronaviruses—which no lab has ever been able to keep alive in captivity.

Wang也不予全信,武漢病毒研究所有活蝙蝠的諸多報導。他表示,“多年前”該實驗室針對活蝙蝠,進行了諸多免疫的研究。不過,此些並不屬於 蹄鼻蝠屬(唯一被發現窩藏與SARS有關之冠狀病毒的蝙蝠)。沒有實驗室曾經能使這種蝙蝠,存活於豢養的環境中


A great deal of speculation about the pandemic’s origin has centered on six men who developed severe respiratory illnesses in 2012 after clearing bat feces from a copper mine in Mojiang, in China’s Yunnan province. Three of them died.



Lab-origin proponents have suggested the men were infected with a coronavirus, a belief fed by a 2013 master’s thesis that provided no direct evidence. That bat virus, they argue, either was SARS-CoV-2 or was turned into it through genetic engineering.



When the miners fell ill, Shi and co-workers were asked to sample bats at the mine, which they did on several occasions. They discovered nine new SARS-related viruses. One of these, dubbed RaTG13, is 96.2% genetically identical to SARS-CoV-2, the closest overall similarity yet found.



A loose-knit group whose members call themselves DRASTIC—for the Decentralized Radical Autonomous Search Team Investigating COVID-19—has driven a heated discussion about possible links between RaTG13 and SARS-CoV-2.

有關RaTG13SARS-CoV-2之間的可能關聯性,一支成員們自稱為DRASTIC(Decentralized Radical Autonomous Search Team Investigating COVID-19:分散式激進自主搜索團隊調查COVID-19)之編組鬆散的團隊,已經推動了熱烈的討論。


Shi has reported that her lab tested blood from the miners and did not find evidence of coronaviruses or antibodies to them. Wang, who helped with these analyses, finds the assertion that the team suppressed evidence of SARS-CoV-2’s link to the Mojiang mine preposterous.

Shi曾報告說,其實驗室測試了來自此些礦工的血液,沒有發現他們具有冠狀病毒或抗體的證據。協助進行此些分析的Wang,發現該團隊隱瞞了 SARS-CoV-2與墨江礦坑無意義之關聯性證據的武斷之說。


We wanted to prove that a coronavirus caused the deaths,” says Wang, who grew up in Shanghai but is now an Australian citizen. “If we proved that another SARS-like virus was in humans in China that would have been scientifically brilliant,” he says. “It’s a Science or Nature paper. No scientist is going to wait for this to leak.



Even Bloom agrees with that logic. “That’s one of the strongest arguments you can make against a lab accident,” he says. “On the other hand, I feel like a lot of these questions could be resolved pretty easily by enhanced transparency.”



IN THE MOST ELABORATE lab-leak scenarios, SARS-CoV-2 is not a naturally occurring virus, but was created at WIV. That would bring worldwide condemnation on China, but it would also devastate the field of virology.



There has been an intense debate over the past decade about the scientific value of “gain-of-function” (GOF) studies, which deliberately create pathogens that are more virulent or more transmissible to humans—or both—than their natural cousins. Some say GOF studies can help identify and thwart future threats, but critics argue the potential benefits don’t outweigh the risk of creating and unleashing pandemic pathogens.



Shi has created chimeric viruses in the past to get around the difficulty of growing coronaviruses isolated from bats. In work with Peter Daszak of the EcoHealth Alliance and Wang, described in a 2017 paper in PLOS Pathogens, WIV made chimeras using the genetic “backbone” of one of the bat coronaviruses her lab could culture and genes that coded for the surface protein, called spike, from newly found coronaviruses.

於過去,Shi曾創造嵌合體病毒以克服,培養從蝙蝠離析之冠狀病毒的困難。在2017年,發表於《PLOS Pathogens》期刊的一篇論文中描述了,在與美國生態健康聯盟Peter DaszakWang的研究中,武漢病毒學研究所使用Shi實驗室,能培養的蝙蝠冠狀病毒之一的遺傳“骨幹”,及為被稱為棘突之表面蛋白質編碼的基因,製造了嵌合體。


Scientists disagree about whether this was GOF research. Shi says it was not, because the hybrid viruses her group created were not expected to be more dangerous than the original strains.



Anthony Fauci, head of the U.S. National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, which helped fund the study, told Congress it does not qualify as GOF research under NIAID’s guidelines. Relman finds the GOF label “vague and confusing” and instead describes this as “unnecessarily risky research.”

協助資助該項研究的美國國家過敏暨傳染病研究所(NIAID),所長Anthony Fauci告訴國會,根據NIAID的指導方針,這並不具備GOF研究的條件。 Relman發現GOF的標語“籠統且混亂”,是將此描述為“不必要的冒險研究”。


Definitions aside, if Shi was creating chimeric viruses, SARS-CoV-2 may have been one of them, lab-leak proponents say. They also note biosecurity measures at the lab were relaxed. In her 2020 Science interview, Shi denied conducting chimeric virus experiments beyond those reported in the 2017 paper, but she acknowledged doing some coronavirus studies in biosafety level 2 facilities.

實驗室外洩的支持者表示,撇開定義不談。倘若Shi是創造嵌合體病毒,則SARS-CoV-2可能曾是其中之一。他們也指出,於該實驗室的生物安全措施是鬆弛的。Shi2020年《科學》期刊的採訪中,否認進行了超出那些於2017年論文中,報導的嵌合體病毒實驗。不過,她承認在生物安全2 級設施中,進行了一些冠狀病毒研究。


That’s one level lower than even Ralph Baric, a coronavirus researcher at the University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, who has collaborated with Shi, thinks is appropriate. Shi stressed that the work complied with all Chinese regulations.

那甚至比,美國北卡羅萊納大學教堂山分校,曾與Shi合作過的冠狀病毒研究員,Ralph Baric認為是合適的還低一級。Shi強調,這項研究符合中國的所有法規。


Still, many scientists contend that SARS-CoV-2 can’t be a lab concoction because no known virus is close enough to have served as its starting material. Some have countered that RaTG13, the virus found in the Mojiang mine, could have been that backbone.



That makes no sense, asserts a “critical review” by Garry, Worobey, and 19 other scientists that Cell published online on 19 August. More than 1100 nucleotides, the building blocks of RNA, separate the genomes of the two viruses, and the differences are scattered in a way that doesn’t suggest deliberate engineering.



“Nobody has the sort of insight into viral pathogenesis to design something as really devious as SARS-CoV-2,” Garry says. Three other bat viruses more similar to SARS-CoV-2 than RaTG13 in some key genomic regions are also unlikely to have been used as a template for the pandemic virus, according to the paper.



The “smoking gun” evidence that SARS-CoV-2 was engineered, in the words of virologist and Nobel laureate David Baltimore, has not held up either. Spike has a cleavage site, a spot where a human enzyme named furin cuts the protein, which helps SARS-CoV-2 infect cells.

以病毒學家暨諾貝爾獎得主David Baltimore所說的話,SARS-CoV-2是被工程改造的“確鑿證據”,也不曾被提出。棘突具有一處,被稱為弗林蛋白酶的人類酵素,切割協助SARS-CoV-2感染細胞之蛋白質的劈裂位點。


Since early in the pandemic, lab-origin proponents have claimed that no SARS-related bat coronaviruses have this feature, leading to speculation that a lab added the site to a virus so it could infect humans. When retired New York Times writer Nicholas Wade made the case for a lab leak this spring, the furin cleavage site, buttressed by Baltimore’s provocative words, was an essential part of the argument.

打從此大流行病初期以來,實驗室起源的支持者曾聲稱,無與SARS相關的蝙蝠冠狀病毒具有這種特徵。致使實驗室將該位點添加到一種病毒中,因此它能感染人類。今年(2021)春天,當退休的《紐約時報》作家,Nicholas Wade提出有利於實驗室外洩的理由時,遭Baltimore挑釁性言論支持的弗林蛋白酶劈裂位點,是爭論的核心部分。


But it’s dead wrong, say many coronavirus specialists and evolutionary biologists. The SARS-related coronaviruses are in the beta genus, one of four in the Coronaviridae family. Several members of that genus feature furin cleavage sites, which appear to have evolved repeatedly.



And one SARS-CoV-2–related virus, described in a Current Biology paper last year by a team led by Shi Weifeng of Shandong First Medical University, has three of the four amino acids that constitute the furin cleavage site, which is “strongly suggestive of a natural zoonotic origin” for SARS-CoV-2, the authors concluded.

在去年(2020),一支由中國山東第一醫學大學,Shi Weifeng領導之團隊,發表於《當代生物學》期刊的一篇論文中,描述了一種與SARS-CoV-2相關的病毒,具有構成弗林蛋白酶劈裂位點之四種氨基酸中的三種。此些撰文者們下了結論,對SARS-CoV-2而言,強烈使人聯想到一種天然的人畜共患病起源


Baltimore has backpedaled the statement. He did not know several bat beta coronaviruses have the furin cleavage site, he acknowledged in an email to Science. “[T]here is more to this story than I am aware of,” he wrote. “The furin cleavage is the most ridiculous stuff,” Wang says.

Baltimore已經背棄此聲明。他在給《科學》期刊的一封電子郵件中,承認不知道有若干種蝙蝠β冠狀病毒,具有弗林蛋白酶劈裂位點。他寫道:「此情節有比他意識到的還多。」 Wang宣稱:「弗林蛋白酶劈裂是最不合理的內容。」


Instead of genetically manipulating a virus, a lab could also have created SARS-CoV-2 by passaging, a technique in which researchers grow a virus in a lab dish or an animal, harvest it, and repeat the process again and again, allowing mutations to accrue.



But again, they would have needed to start with a close relative of SARS-CoV-2. There’s no evidence that this precursor existed in any lab. And passaging in cell cultures often deletes the furin cleavage site or makes viruses weaker.



Even the U.S. intelligence community during the Trump administration discounted the suggestion that SARS-CoV-2 was “manmade.” The report requested by Biden, which sought input from several groups in the intelligence community, similarly concludes that the virus was probably not genetically engineered.” (It also said there was “broad agreement” that it “was not developed as a biological weapon.”)



THE JOINT MISSION REPORT from WHO, which runs more than 300 pages and delves into everything from the viral sequences of the earliest cases to pharmacy sales, has several little-noticed findings that make a natural origin appear more likely than a lab leak, says Kristian Andersen, an evolutionary biologist at Scripps Research who co-authored the recent Cell paper with Garry and Worobey.

美國斯克里普斯研究所,GarryWorobey合撰,該最近發表於《細胞》期刊之論文的演化生物學家,Kristian Andersen表示,來自世界衛生組織聯合任務,長達300多頁深入研究,從最早病例的病毒序列,到藥房銷售之所有事物的報告,有若干使得自然起源比實驗室外洩,更有可能之鮮少引人注目的發現


“It wasn’t the perfect report,” he says, but it was “a great start to a collaborative study on understanding the origin of SARS-CoV-2.”



The earliest official announcement about the pandemic came on 31 December 2019, when Wuhan’s Municipal Health Commission reported a cluster of unexplained pneumonia cases linked to the city’s Huanan seafood market.



The WHO report devotes much attention to details about Huanan and other Wuhan markets, but also cautions that their role remains “unclear” because several early cases had no link to any market. But after reading the report, Andersen became more convinced that the Huanan market played a critical role.



One specific finding bolsters that case, Wang says. The report describes how scientists took many samples from floors, walls, and other surfaces at Wuhan markets and were able to culture two viruses isolated from Huanan. That shows the market was bursting with virus, Wang says: “In my career, I have never been able to isolate a coronavirus from an environmental sample.”



The report also contained a major error: It claimed there were “no verified reports of live mammals being sold around 2019” at Huanan and other markets linked to early cases. A surprising study published in June by Zhou Zhao-Min of China West Normal University and colleagues challenged that view.

該報告也具有一項重大錯誤:它聲稱在華南及其他與早期病例有關的市場,“沒有活體哺乳動物,在2019年期間,被出售之未經證實的報告”。 一項由中國華西師範大學Zhou Zhao-Min及同事們,於20216月發表之令人驚訝的研究,挑戰了那種考察。


It found nearly 50,000 animals from 38 species, most alive, for sale at 17 shops at Huanan and three other Wuhan markets between May 2017 and November 2019. (The researchers had surveyed the markets as part of a study of a tick-borne disease afflicting animals.)



Live animals can more easily transmit a respiratory virus than meat from a butchered one, and the animals included masked palm civets, the main species that transmitted SARS-CoV to humans, and raccoon dogs, which also naturally harbored that virus and have been infected with SARS-CoV-2 in lab experiments.



Minks—a species farmed for fur that has acquired SARS-CoV-2 infections from humans in many countries— were also abundant. “None of the 17 shops posted an origin certificate or quarantine certificate, so all wildlife trade was fundamentally illegal,” Zhou and his colleagues wrote in their paper.



It’s unclear why the international members of the WHO joint mission were not told about the live market mammals by their Chinese counterparts. “I’m really disappointed that came out after [the report],” says WHO’s Maria Van Kerkhove, who acknowledges contributing to the oversight herself because she mistakenly ignored a draft of the paper that the authors sent her when they first submitted it in October 2020.

目前不清楚,為何世界衛組織聯合任務的國際成員,沒被中國對應的人告知,有關活體市場的哺乳動物。世界衛組織的Maria Van Kerkhove宣稱:「在此報告之後傳開,她真的很失望。」她承認,由於錯誤忽視,當此些撰文者,於202010月首次提交時,送給她的該論文草稿,導致了她本人的這種疏漏。


Worobey says the paper played a key role in tilting his thinking away from the lab-origin hypothesis. “The fact that early [COVID-19] cases were linked to the market, and that the market was selling what were very likely intermediate hosts?” he says. “All of that is probably trying to tell us something.”



Worobey suspects that after a SARS-CoV-2 progenitor jumped from animals to humans, it pingponged back and forth, steadily adapting to its new host. This could have happened at the market and gone unnoticed for weeks, as the outbreak only surfaced when several people became severely ill, a relatively rare outcome of a SARS-CoV-2 infection.



Or the virus could have first infected animal farmers in remote villages. “If this happened in a small town, it’s quite probable it would never have taken off,” says William Hanage, an evolutionary biologist at Harvard University. Then animal traders might have brought the virus to markets in Wuhan, a city of 11 million.

或該種病毒可能曾首先感染了,於偏遠村莊的動物農場主人。之後,動物交易商可能曾將此種病毒帶到,擁有1100 萬人口之武漢市的諸多市場。美國哈佛大學演化生物學家,William Hanage宣稱:「倘若發生於一個小鎮上,這很可能絕不會爆發。」


Linda Saif, a veterinarian at Ohio State University, Wooster, says China’s enormous fur industry is at the top of her list of places to hunt for SARS-CoV-2’s precursors. Saif cites a report showing the vast majority of the world’s pelts from raccoon dogs and foxes—both canids, a family readily infected with SARS-CoV-2—are from animals farmed or trapped in China (see graphic, above). The country produces half of the world’s mink pelts, too.

美國俄亥俄州立大學伍斯特分校的獸醫,Linda Saif表示,中國龐大的毛皮產業,是其尋找SARS-CoV-2前身的首選之地Saif引用了一份,顯示絕大多數世界毛皮來自貉及狐狸(這兩種犬科動物,這是一科容易感染 SARS-CoV-2的動物),是源自在中國被飼養或被陷捕之動物的報告。中國也生產半數世界的貂皮。


An epidemic of African swine fever virus in pigs might also, indirectly, have helped spark the pandemic, a perspective in the 27 August issue of Science suggests. China’s mass culling of pigs because of that virus led to record high pork prices in November 2019. Food consumers and producers may have resorted to alternative types of meat, leading to "increased wildlife-human contacts."



SO WHERE TO NOW? Bloom would like more details about the earliest human cases of COVID-19 and says WIV should share bat coronavirus sequences in a database it removed from the internet in September 2019, claiming the site had been hacked. “That could put a lot of this to rest,” he says.



Sales data from Wuhan markets could help, too. If researchers could trace who farmed or trapped the live animals sold there and who delivered them to the markets, those people could be interviewed and perhaps sampled for evidence of past infections.



In a comment published by Nature on 25 August, the international members of the joint mission warned it’s time to get on with “phase 2” because the window for some studies is closing. But WHO is reconfiguring the team.



It recently announced a new International Scientific Advisory Group for Origins of Novel Pathogens (SAGO) that will provide “rapid advice” to launch the follow-up studies described in the mission report, but also study the origins of future outbreaks.



The Chinese government has shown no signs it will welcome SAGO members, but Wang is hopeful it will have a change of heart: “In an ideal world, we need a Chinese collaboration.”



Chinese scientists are conducting their own studies into potential natural origins, but few outside the country know details. “Unfortunately, finding out what is being done is getting harder by the day because the lab-leak stuff has turned COVID origins into a major political weapon,” says one Western researcher who asked not to be identified. “My colleagues in China are nervous and feeling great pressure.”



China has been pushing the theory that the virus came from another country—maybe brought in on frozen food, or, according to baseless propaganda, concocted at a U.S. military lab. “It’s comical,” Worobey says. “The big picture here is China is doing everything it can to push the narrative that this pandemic started outside of China.”

中國一直在推動,這種病毒來自另一個國家的理論。可能是在冷凍食品上被帶進入,或根據毫無基礎的宣傳,是在美國軍事實驗室被調製的。 Worobey宣稱:「這很可笑。此時大情勢是,中國正竭盡全力推動,這種流行病始於中國境外的論述。」


He suspects that while rejecting the lab-leak theory, the Chinese government is also unenthusiastic about pursuing a natural origin, fearing that proof would expose China to further blame for a pandemic even if the discovery exonerated Chinese scientists.



But even without China’s cooperation, there are ways to move ahead. Some studies elsewhere have already yielded intriguing leads. Researchers have found coronaviruses in bats in neighboring countries that suggest evolutionary pathways from an ancestor of SARS-CoV-2 to the pandemic virus.



More clues may come from studies in Southeast Asia of wild pangolins—the only other species to date found to harbor a close SARS-CoV-2 relative. Researchers can also hunt for cases outside of China that predate the December 2019 outbreak.



One possibility, Wang says, is to check the blood of Wuhan visitors or residents who were in the city in the months before, including the 9000 athletes from more than 100 countries who attended the Military World Games there in October 2019. (A new antibody assay from his lab, he says, can distinguish between SARS-CoV-2 and related viruses that may have preceded it.)



The search will never lead us to patient zero, the first person to be infected by SARS-CoV-2, Hanage says. “Humans are looking for a story,” he says. “They want Columbo to come in and just somehow get somebody to confess or show what actually happened.”



Instead, there are “possible stories” about SARS-CoV-2’s origin—some more probable than others—and stories that can be excluded, Hanage says. “And the space of possible stories in which there was a natural origin in or around the markets is much larger than the space of possible origins in which the Wuhan Institute of Virology is involved.





翻譯: 許東榮