2022-04-04 14:06:14peregrine


By Patrick Pester published

Greenland sharks typically live in the deep ocean.



A rare Greenland shark that washed up on a U.K. beach could be at least 100 years old, but experts aren't sure why it became stranded.



The dead shark was first spotted on the sand in Newlyn Harbour, Cornwall, on the southwest coast of England, on March 13. But before experts could examine it, the tide came in and took the carcass back out to sea, according to Cornwall Wildlife Trust Twitter posts. 



The shark was then rediscovered floating off the coast of Cornwall on March 15 by a recreational boating company called Mermaid Pleasure Trips and was brought back to shore. Greenland sharks are rarely sighted in the U.K., and this is the country's second recorded Greenland shark stranding.

之後,於315日,被一家名為Mermaid Pleasure Trips的休閒划船育樂公司,在康沃爾海岸再度發現這隻鯊,並將其帶回岸邊。格陵蘭鯊在英國很少被看見,這是該國格陵蘭鯊擱淺的第二次記錄。


"Even though it's a sad event when these beautiful, spectacular animals do strand on our beaches, it's such a valuable opportunity for us to study them," Abby Crosby, a marine conservation officer who manages the marine strandings network at the Cornwall Wildlife Trust, told Live Science. 

在康沃爾野生動物信託基金會,管理海洋擱淺網路站的海洋保護要員,Abby Crosby告訴Live Science:「即使,當這些美麗、引人注目的動物,在我們的海灘上擱淺時,這是一件令人扼腕的事。不過,這是我們研究它們的寶貴機會。」


Greenland sharks (Somniosus microcephalus) live in the Arctic and North Atlantic oceans up to 8,684 feet (2,647 meters) below the surface, according to the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN). A 2016 study published in the journal Science estimated that these sharks could live at least 272 years, but scientists still have much to learn about the elusive species.

根據國際自然保護聯盟(IUCN)的說法,格陵蘭鯊(Somniosus microcephalus) 生存於北極及北大西洋的海平面下,達8684英尺(2647)處。在2016年,發表於《科學》期刊的一項研究估計,這些鯊魚至少能活272年。不過,有關這種難以捉摸的物種,科學家們仍然有很多需瞭解。


The shark that washed up in Cornwall was a juvenile female that measured 13 feet (4 m) long and weighed 628 pounds (285 kilograms). Although researchers have yet to determine the shark's age, Greenland sharks typically become sexually mature when they're around 150 years old, according to the 2016 study.



The animals continue to grow as they age, and adults can be up to 24 feet (7.3 m) long, according to the St. Lawrence Shark Observatory (ORS).



James Barnett, a veterinary pathologist from the Cornwall Marine Pathology Team, carried out a postmortem of the shark on March 16 for the Cetacean Strandings Investigation Programme (CSIP), a national program that partners with Cornwall Wildlife Trust's Marine Strandings Network. 

康沃爾海洋病理學小組的獸醫病理學家,James Barnett316日,為鯨目擱淺調查研究計劃(CSIP),對此鯊魚進行了屍體解剖。


"It looked like it probably live-stranded," Barnett told Live Science. In other words, the shark was still alive when it washed up, and it died on the beach. "It obviously hadn't eaten for some time," Barnett said. "The stomach was totally empty." 

Barnett告訴Live Science:「這看似活著擱淺的。」換句話說,此鯊魚被沖上來時還活著,而後死於海灘上。Barnett宣稱:「其胃空無一物,顯然有一段時間,沒有進食。」


Barnett noted that the shark showed possible signs of septicemia, an infection in the blood, but it's not yet clear why the shark wasn't eating and ended up in shallow waters off Cornwall.



There are a variety of reasons, including disease, that can explain why marine animals become stranded and die on beaches, but the movement of ocean currents and other marine conditions also play a part in bringing living and dead animals to shore.



"The majority of our strandings are common dolphins and porpoises, and they would have all died within a kilometer [0.6 mile] of our coastline, if that," Crosby said. Because Greenland sharks usually swim far from the coast, the likelihood of one being swept in by the right current and weather conditions is really rare, she added. 



Barnett said this is the first time a Greenland shark has been given a necropsy in the U.K., to his knowledge. "They are a species that we just don't encounter," he said.



Samples taken from the shark will help inform Greenland shark research, such as studies investigating their life history and diet, Rob Deaville, project manager for CSIP at the Zoological Society of London, said in a statement.

在一份聲明中,英國倫敦動物學會的CSIP計劃經理,Rob Deaville表示,從該鯊魚採集的樣本能有助於,為格陵蘭鯊的研究提供資訊。諸如,調查研究其生活史及飲食。



