2008-06-28 03:45:35*mint

in such a wonderful city

I am surprised that how fast I forget the feeling before I arrived new york last year.

There were fanfacies about the new life in new york city. Like the new energy and stuff.

However, when I arrived here, I didn’t feel that much excitement. Not sure if my mind is too dead to feel any sparks or the big cities around the world are all the same.

Now, I am inside this exciting city but it is like daily life to me. School, home, grocery, laundry, food, drink, sleep, relationship, fights, worries, all that stuff you could do in anywhere.

One professor once said something very wise. I forget what the matter is exactly about. He warns us though, not to lose focus. (it’s like going to a candy shop; everything is so attractive; but, we must remember what we want to buy at first.)

I should remember the purpose of coming to here.