2006-10-26 11:00:49*mint

n / phone call / japan

I got nobu’s phone call from japan last night. he has problem with his gf.

after we chatted, i really felt in order to have a long-term relationship with someone, i really need someone who can understand how i feel and whom i can talk everything with.

however,people still get confused from time to time. when you are with a person for a period of time, you will take what she/he gives you for granted. you will feel bored and want to find something exciting. And, you end up not knowing what you are doing and can’t go back to the original state. it’s human nature, i guess;there is no difference between a guy with a higher education background and one who only graduated from high school. ALL THE SAME!

also, after chatting with him, i suddenly felt so lonely. i was glad that he would call me and told me his problems. But, at the same time, it gives me so much emotion. i can talk so many things with him and he understands how i feel and i can understand how he feels because we both have same experiences.but, we didn’t become a couple and i still don’t know why.

I feel frustrated because it seems it is hard to meet this kind of people. When I thought I finally met the kind of person I always wanted, he seemd he is not that interested. and, guys who like me are so young,stupid and don’t share same thinking as me. frustrating! when can i meet that person?