2007-04-23 18:21:16poppycock

it is life

The worst wrods for me is
"it is life." u cant imagine how badly i hate this !

so we dont need to work and try harder anymore.
fuck sake. bullshit.
well, i have to admit that i am not the person who is always working very hard. i am quite lazy and laidback!

just i hate people who say this.
maybe i look so calm down.
but i hate this. inside nearly to kill the person who said this.
well... i am not insane all the time. just i know inside what i think><
like the movie SAW.
not many people are greateful to live in this world.

if it is life, can i kill you right now?
and told you.
it is life?
can i punch you on your face ,right eye?
and swear that . fuck you .
it is life ?
can i ?

i cant say this to others. coz i know how hard they work and try.
it is life is for these people who are not greatful and dont know how to trasure!

ps. if you guys feel shocked . it is still me.
it is still me who is nice kind and sweat.
but doesnt mean i dont want to slap on these people’s face.