2004-08-27 07:38:47佩佩

Montreal - Ile Sainte-Helene

除了上次介紹的皇家山公園之外,有一個地方小妹我也非常推薦,就是位於蒙特婁市中心南方的聖海倫島。只要搭乘蒙特婁的地鐵黃線,就可以到達。島上最出名的,應該就是那個生物圈了吧!不過我更欣賞的是從小島上瞭望蒙特婁市,風景非常漂亮!從地鐵站出來只要走差不多二十分鐘左右,就可以到達聖羅倫斯河邊,瞭望蒙特婁市。島的北邊是魁北克省最大的遊樂場-La Ronde羅德遊樂場,我是沒有去啦,但是有興趣的人可以去看看囉!走過一座橋即可到達緊鄰聖海倫島的聖母島,除了有著名的Casino之外,還有F1賽車場。這張照片是傍晚的時候在聖羅倫斯河邊照的,我個人相當喜歡的一張照片!

Besides the Mount Royal Park that I introduced last time, another good place to go in Montreal is Ile Sainte-Helene, located in south of downtown Montreal. You can go there by taking the metro (yello line). I guess the most famous toursit place in the island is the "La Biosphere". But what I like most is the excellent view of Montreal city from the island. From the metro station on the island, it only takes about 20 minutes to reach the Saint-Laurent River and the view of Montreal city. There is a playground, the largest one in Quebec, located in the North of the island - La Ronde. I didn't go there last time; but you can visit there if you're interested. You can also walk along the bridge to the Ile Notre-Dame nearby. The famous Casino and Formula 1 racetrack are located there. This picture was taken in the riverside of Saint-Laurent River in the evening, one of my personal favorites!