2013-02-22 23:11:33英檢老師 黃湘

中級單字 2013.02.22

中級單字 2013.02.22

______1.evaluate: to judge how good, useful, or successful something is 

______2.warrier: a soldier or fighter who is brave and experienced - used aboutpeople in the past

______3.marital: relating to marriage

______4.endure: to be in a difficult or painful situation for a long time withoutcomplaining

______5.corporation: abig company, or a group of companies acting together as a single organization

______6.conservative: not liking changes or new ideas

______7.demonstrate: to show or prove something clearly

______8.evolve: todevelop and change gradually over a long period of time

______9.braid: alength of hair that has been separated into three parts and then woven together

______10.wind: to turn or twist something several times around something else

______11.pluck: to pull something quickly in order to remove it

______12.symbolize: if something symbolizes a quality, feeling etc, it represents it

______13.portrait: apainting, drawing, or photograph of a person

______14.icon: someonefamous who is admired by many people and is thought to represent an importantidea

______15.spike: something long and thin with a sharp point,especially a pointed piece of metal

______16.perm: aprocess in which you make straight hair curly by using chemicals, or hair thathas been treated in this way

______17.grease: a thick oily substance that is put on the moving parts of a car,machine etc to make it run or move smoothly

______18.contagious: a disease that is contagious can be passed from person to person bytouch

______19.brainchild: anidea, plan, organization etc that someone has thought of without any help fromanyone else

______20.reverse: to turn something over or around, in order to showthe back of it:

