2002-03-01 05:34:57董董&黃色雨傘


Red said to him, "We are all busy living and busy dying"

I quoted the same phrase from the movie, "Shawshank Redemption", and you replied me saying "Busy suffering, too"

"Do you believe in FAITH, girl?" I asked. "Faith is flexible, there's no point to believe in it!"

I smiled and said, "So, put it into another way, you get to choice what you want to do or to be, right?"

you kept your slience. 如果說命運是這樣的具有彈性, 那麼你說的suffering也是你所選擇的.

在Terminator 2裡, Sara說: "Now, I feel so calm, and can foresee our future. Faith is not there anymore, and we will create one from now on"

so Is it that faith contorls us or we control faith?

so Is it that life lives us or we live lives
