2008-03-08 09:48:37蔡柏






甄選時間訂於2008年3月23日下午1:30分假台南人戲工場(台南市勝利路85號 百達文教中心3樓)舉行,有興趣共同參與本劇演出者,請自台南人劇團網頁下載報名表
http://www.tainanjen.org.tw/news.htm),填寫完畢後email至本團信箱(tainanjen@seed.net.tw)。於甄選當天請自備一段個人獨白或才藝表演 (約3~5分鐘),其他的甄選項目將於現場公佈。
bernar 2008-03-14 04:11:50

Yup, read the other post just now... Very excited for you! Have a feeling it`s not going to be easy through... Last week, I was trying to remember all the little productions we did as kids. Not too surprised that I can`t really recall anything given my memory of a fish... it`s the feeling that we can take on the world and how involved and happy we were... as for your home number... I can`t recall since 5-6 years ago.. but I remember it`s usually me calling.... sigh...

I don`t think I will make it on bike with the if I remember correctly how hot and humid our summer was, but I figure we are bound to run into each other eventually..

Gotta go devise a plan B now...

大媽 2008-03-13 22:31:35


bernar 2008-03-13 04:49:53

Hey, will it be worth it to go back and watch you (I guess the first question should be &quotwill you be casted or behind stage?&quot)

I figure it will be okay hot in October for the ride down and it`s good to have a time/event to shoot for or I will probably get lazy and distracted.

If that can happen, I will need 2 tickets. I think my mom likes your last production.

ps - I like 3月23日 : )

I`m not gonna be in that show this time. So are you still visiting me with your mom? By the way, I am actually applying postgraduate programme in London, and if I`m lucky enough I might be able to study in London this fall.

But I`m still waiting for the offer...so...yeah...waiting is so painful.

3/23, was that your BIRTHDAY?

Tell you what,it`s amazing that I can still memorize your home phone number....did I just call you that often??!!!


All the best
2008-03-13 12:43:13