2004-08-15 18:15:49蔡柏

[生活雜記] Anne Bogart--VIEWPOINTS 美國當代大導演的筆記



Anne Bogart –Viewpoints

The artist’s responsibility is to bring the potential, the mystery ad terror, the trembling, back. James Baldwin wrote, “The purpose of art is to lay bare the questions which have been hidden by the answers.”

I found that theatre that doesn’t address terror has no energy. We create out of fear, not from a place of security and safety.

Those who function out of fear, seek security, those who function out of trust, seek freedom.

Directing is about feeling, about being in the room with other people—with actors, with designers, with an audience—about having a feel for time and space, about breathing and responding fully to the situation at hand, being able to plunge and encourage a plunge into the unknown at the right moment.

When things start to fall apart in rehearsal, the possibilities of creation exists.
蔡柏 2007-09-11 00:47:33


阿思 2007-09-11 00:41:24
