2019-08-13 00:30:41osywcq0o0eug

【最暢銷產品】NUK 學食組 限定商品購買享特價




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NUK Learning to Eat Set 設計式樣: Girl

The NUK Learning to Eat Set comes with 1 x starter cup, 1 x feeding bowl, 2 x feeding spoons and 1 x replacement spout and is suitable for children at the age of 6 months and older.

  • 1 x NUK Starter Cup, 220 ml, leak-proof soft spout, suitable from 6 months on

  • 2 x NUK Feeding spoons, rounded edges, extra-long non-slip handle

  • 1x NUK Feeding Bowl, with suction cup and two lids, suitable from 6 months on

  • FREE: 1 x NUK replacement spout for starter cup

The NUK Easy Learning Starter Cup is equipped with a soft silicone spout. It is le限時熱門活動優惠ak-proof and suitable for children at the age of six months and older. The robust and non-slip handles are perfect for little children's hands. All materials are BPA-free and pollutant tested.

Surely, it is your little one that stands in the centre of your attention and therefore you try to schedule your daily routine around your child - that is why, you're in need of products that help you mastering everyday challenges in a quick, simple and elaborate way. For example, products that support baby's transition from being breastfed or drinking from a bottle to drinking independently from an open cup or a glass. In order to help you support your little one with this important step, NUK has designed the Easy Learning Training System. The cup that features a soft silicone spout that promotes baby's transition from being breastfed or drinking from a bottle nipple - the shape of the spout's soft mouth piece matches the rim of a cup while still feeling soft and familiar. The leak-proof valve prevents spilling and splashing the contents of the cup. The ergonomically shaped non-slip grips encourage your child' motor skills and make it easy for your little one to hold the cup firmly. Suitable for children at the age of 6 months on.

Once your little one's mobility increases and he or she romps around in the house their nutrient requirements increase accordingly. Between months 5 and 7 it is usually about time to start feeding puree. The NUK Easy Learning Feeding Spoon therefore helps your little one transition from breast or bottle into eating more solid foods. The spoon shape is particularly suitable for a child's mouth since it has been designed with rounded edges that provide more safety for you little one's delicate mouth. Its extra-long handle makes it perfect for big baby food jars. The two feeding spoons delivered are dishwasher-safe and free from BPA. Once your little one has reached 6 months you are ready to feed him or her with NUK's convenient feeding spoon. Also, it fits any other part of the NUK EASY LEARNING system.

The NUK EASY LEARNING Feeding Bowl with handle makes feeding for mom and dad a little easier and later on, it helps your little one learning to eat correctly on his or her own. The high, tilted rim helps you to spoon up the bowl completely. The suction cup integrated in the non-slip bottom of the bowl provides extra stability and prevents the bowl from being overturned. Furthermore, the bowl comes with two lids with different functions: one lid covers the bowl lightly in order to heat up your baby's meal in the microwave, the other lid covers the bowl firmly and thus ensures transporting it while being out and about or storing the bowl in the fridge.

The NUK WASY LEARNING Feeding Bowl is microwaveable and dishwasher-safe. The material used is free from BPA.

The soft spout活動限時優惠 is a replacement spout for the NUK EASY LEARNING 1-2-3 Learning to Drink System and can be combined with any NUK EASY LEARNING 1-2-3 CUP. Suitable for children at the age of 6 months on, the leak-proof soft spout is made of silicone (BPA-free) and promotes the transition from being bottle or breastfed to drinking from the very first starter cup. This way, your little one is well-prepared on his or her way to drinking from an open cup.




NUK 秒購商品學食組






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NUK 學食組

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