2009-12-17 10:14:07朱利安.王

麥盧卡蜂蜜 轉載/轉譯

麥盧卡蜂蜜 轉載/轉譯

2009/12/16 23:02

轉載/轉譯   http://www.manukahoneyblog.com/

星期二, 二○○九年十一月十日












“沒有天然物質對地球面臨的更為令人印象深刻的癒合質量麥盧卡蜂蜜比博士說:”文森特米蘭,執行主任態醫學中心在紐約舉行。 “在非處方感冒藥不起作用。我總是告訴我的病人採取麥盧卡蜂蜜代替。我還看過 MRSA的金黃色葡萄球菌感染癒合後數天內局部應用麥盧卡蜂蜜向受影響的地區。在大多數情況下,麥盧卡蜂蜜優於處方藥對某些健康狀況。“


Honeymark產品包括急救防腐液,粉刺霜,抗皺,手消毒凝膠,止癢霜,抗真菌的解決方案和多種其他護膚品,所有這些都包含活動麥盧卡蜂蜜作為自然癒合劑。即使麥盧卡蜂蜜是新西蘭土著,Honeymark產品的生產在美國 Honeymark是世界上最大的進口商的麥盧卡蜂蜜在美國和計劃釋放其他麥盧卡蜂蜜產品明年。未來的產品包括麥盧卡蜂蜜糖和麥盧卡蜂蜜膠囊。


“重新制訂我們的產品,包括全天然的原料是一個長期的,由於項目多,我很高興我們終於實現了,說:”弗蘭克 Buonanotte,首席執行官 Honeymark國際。 “這些新的植物成分十分恭維自然癒合性能的麥盧卡蜂蜜。我們非常樂意在這個激動人心的自然資源,美國消費者和其他市場世界各地。”


欲了解更多信息或購買 Honeymark的全天然麥盧卡蜂蜜產品,請致電 1-866-427-7329或訪問 www.HoneymarkProducts.com

發布者Honeymark於上午11 521評論











統計資料顯示,五分之一的美國人患有腸易激綜合症(IBS)。由於感情的尷尬,許多患者已經知道要等3年,看看他們的醫生有關 IBS症狀。








“麥盧卡蜂蜜擁有癒合作用比任何其他蜂蜜,說:”弗蘭克 Buonanotte,首席執行官 Honeymark國際這是最大的進口商麥盧卡蜂蜜在美國“這些治療作用來源於麥盧卡植物,是土生土長的新西蘭。麥盧卡蜂蜜的癒合能力是眾所周知的一貫表現較傳統形式的藥物。“


欲了解更多信息或購買麥盧卡蜂蜜,致電 1-866-427-7329或訪問 www.HoneymarkProducts.com

發布者Honeymark在上午11 161評論




















“麥盧卡蜂蜜已被用作一種藥物在新西蘭幾十年,但最近已獲得認可,作為自然癒合劑在其他國家,說:”弗蘭克 Buonanotte,首席執行官 Honeymark國際這是最大的進口商麥盧卡蜂蜜在美國“麥盧卡蜂蜜具有很強的治療作用已被發現有任何副作用時,用於醫療目的。我們把它作為最好的秘密性質。“


欲了解更多信息或購買麥盧卡蜂蜜,致電 1-866-427-7329或訪問 www.HoneymarkProducts.com






麥盧卡蜂蜜 - 天然,高效,健康和純












欲了解更多信息或購買麥盧卡麥盧卡蜂蜜和其他產品,請致電 1-866-427-7329或訪問 www.HoneymarkProducts.com

發布者Honeymark在上午11 440評論














當使用純麥盧卡蜂蜜在皮膚上,你可以想像,一個粘混亂會處理。然而,Honeymark的止癢霜提供了一個更可行的和用戶友好的解決方案。麥盧卡蜂蜜可稀釋 100倍,仍然保持其效力。混合在一起,與其他材料,以幫助獲得的根源問題,該產品能夠迅速提供救濟,即使其他產品失敗。


“麥盧卡蜂蜜正在獲得全球認可其無與倫比的癒合能力,說:”弗蘭克 Buonanotte,首席執行官 Honeymark國際。 “這不僅是非常有效的補救範圍廣泛的皮膚狀況,但也可以將它很快。而且因為麥盧卡蜂蜜是一種天然成分,它被發現有任何副作用,不像其他成分常見的止癢藥膏。“




欲了解更多信息或購買 Honeymark的止癢霜的麥盧卡蜂蜜,致電 1-866-427-7329或訪問 www.HoneymarkProducts.com







Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Themanufacturer of Manuka honey products has taken all synthetic andchemical-based ingredients in their products and replaced them withplant-derived, natural ingredients.

In aneffort to keep up with the recent demands of their customers, Honeymarkhas undergone a major reformulation process, giving their entire lineof Manuka Honey products a facelift. Nowadays, consumers are very labelsavvy and are much more educated about what ingredients are safer andmore effective. Even though many of the synthetic or chemicalingredients that have been used in skin care and personal care productsover the last few decades are perfectly safe according to the FDA, theconsumer preference is all-natural.

The development of skincare products utilizing natural ingredients is no longer a think of thefuture. It is here in the present and these products are in big demand.Along with many other manufacturers that are jumping on the "clean andgreen" bandwagon, Honeymark has recognize the importance of producingproducts that are made from plant-derived materials. Most consumersthat are aware of the natural healing properties of Manuka Honey areinterested natural remedies, rather than their pharmaceuticalequivalents. With the horrifying list of negative side effects thataccompany pharmaceutical advertisements, it's no wonder that thenatural products movement has hit the retail market so hard.

Manuka Honey is becoming world renowned for its ability to heal, treatand cure a wide variety of health conditions, both internally andexternally. Manuka Honey is already recognized as the only naturaltreatment alternative to antibiotic-resistant infections such as MRSAand VRE. Now some medical professionals have reason to believe that itsantiviral properties may even be effective against the Swine Flu (H1N1virus).

"There is no natural substance on the face of theplanet that has more impressive healing qualities than Manuka Honey,"says Dr. Vincent Milano, Executive Director of the TriState MedicalCenter in New York . "Over-the-counter cold medication doesn't work. Ialways tell my patients to take Manuka Honey instead. I've even seenMRSA Staph infections healed within days after applying Manuka Honeytopically to the affected area. In most cases, Manuka Honey outperformsprescription medication for certain health conditions."

Honeymark products include a First Aid Antiseptic Lotion, Acne Cream,Anti-Wrinkle Serum, Hand Sanitizing Gel, Anti-Itch Cream, Anti-FungalSolution and a variety of other skin care products, all of whichcontain active Manuka Honey as a natural healing agent. Even thoughManuka Honey is indigenous to New Zealand , Honeymark products aremanufactured in the U.S. Honeymark is one of the largest importers ofManuka Honey in the U.S. and plans on releasing other Manuka Honeyproducts by next year. Future products include Manuka Honey Lozengesand Manuka Honey Capsules.

"Reformulating our products toinclude all natural ingredients was a long, over due project that I'mglad we have finally achieved," says Frank Buonanotte, CEO of HoneymarkInternational. "These new botanical ingredients perfectly complimentthe natural healing properties of Manuka Honey. We are happy tointroduce this amazing natural resource to U.S. consumers and othermarkets all over the world."

For more information or to purchase Honeymark's all-natural Manuka Honey products, call 1-866-427-7329 or visit www.HoneymarkProducts.com.

Posted by Honeymark at 11:52 AM 1 comments

Labels: all natural, all natural products, H1N1 virus, Manuka Honey, MRSA, natural cosmetics, natural cures, natural ingredients, natural skin care, natural skincare, Staph infections, swine flu

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Himalayan Bath Salt with Manuka Honey

Honeymarklaunches a Bath Salt with genuine Himalayan salt crystals and ManukaHoney from New Zealand, both of which are well known for theirrejuvenating properties.

There is a significantdifference between table salt and Himalayan salt. Ordinary table saltpredominantly consists of sodium chloride. When salt is dried, most ofthe trace elements that the body needs is eliminated, leaving a mineralthat isn't particularly beneficial. However, Himalayan salt is a pureand totally natural mineral salt containing up to 84 minerals and traceelements, high in negative ions. It is mined by hand and stone ground,eliminating impurities.

Millions of years ago, the sun driedup the primal sea and left the mineral-rich crystals we know today asHimalayan salt. Located deep within the Himalayan Mountains , thiscrystal salt is the purest salt on the planet. Covered in snow yearround, the pristine environment of the Himalayas protects the salt fromthe pollutants that often permeate salt from the sea.

Himalayan salt is the purest, all-natural, unrefined, cleanest and mostcomplete salt available. Using Himalayan bath salt offers many positivehealth benefits. The trace elements that are present exist in a formthat is easily absorbed by the skin. Himalayan salt does not containany type of environmental toxins or harmful chemicals.

Inaddition to its purity, Himalayan Bath Salt contains all-naturalreplenishing power stored within its crystals. Its bio-photon contentis stored energy that releases when mixed with water, rejuvenating bothmind and body. Soaking in the bath salt draws out toxins, soothesmuscles and eases tension. Taking a salt bath will also make your skincleaner and smoother. In addition, salt baths have a healing effect onconditions such as athlete's foot, nail fungus, wounds, skinirritations, insect bites, sun burn and blisters. It also serves as atherapy to joint diseases such as rheumatism.

Most of us areconscious about our physical appearance, especially our skin. Unliketaking an ordinary bath which can actually remove moisture from ourskin, a Himalayan Salt Bath moisturizes by allowing water to beabsorbed into the outer layer of the skin. Himalayan bath salt has alsobeen known to alleviate severe cases of dry skin disorders such aspsoriasis and eczema.

Himalayan bath salt, contains 84essential minerals, more than any other bath salt, including magnesium,potassium, bromide and calcium which are readily absorbed into the skinduring a 15-30 minute bath.

Bath Salt Uses:


  • Relieves stress.
  • Helps the nervous system.
  • Moisturizes skin.
  • Relieves water retention.
  • Promote cellular regeneration.
  • Restores a healthy calcium balance.
  • Stimulates circulation.
  • Strengthens bones and nails.
  • Promotes healthier skin.
  • Reduces muscle and joint inflammation.
  • Relaxes muscles and relieves pain and soreness.
  • Detoxifies the skin and helps to heal dry, scaling, irritated skin.
  • Heals bacterial and fungal infections.
  • Treats psoriasis, eczema and other forms of dermatitis.
  • Regulates water content throughout the body.
  • Promotes a healthy pH balance in skin cells.
  • Promotes blood sugar health and helps to reduce the signs of aging.
  • Assists in the generation of hydroelectric energy.
  • Promotes sinus health.
  • Relieves muscle cramps.

When you take a salt bath, the salt minerals penetrate your skin in theform of ions. This stimulation will cause natural cell growth in yourliving cell layers. Bio-energetic weak points will be balanced and yourbody's energy flow will be activated. While anyone can benefit from abrine bath, it is particularly soothing for those with the followingconditions:


  • Various skin diseases
  • Rheumatism and joint diseases
  • A post-operative care regimen
  • Gynecological diseases
  • Bacterial or fungal infections
  • Insect bites, blisters or wounds
  • Skin irritations from poison oak, poison ivy or poison sumac
  • Insomnia

For more information or to purchase Honeymark's Bath Salt, call 1-866-427-7329 or visit www.HoneymarkProducts.com.

Posted by Honeymark at 2:25 PM 3 comments

Labels: Bath Salt, bath salt products, bath salt soak, Bath Salts, buy bath salt, Himalayan bath salt, Himalayan bath salts, Himalayan crystal bath salt, Himalayan salt, Manuka Honey, spa bath salt

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Dead Sea Mud Mask with Manuka Honey

Honeymarklaunches a Mud Mask combining genuine mud from the Dead Sea and apremium honey from New Zealand, known as Manuka Honey, both of whichare well known for their amazing ability to heal and maintain healthyskin.

It is easy to wonder if Dead Sea mud isnothing more than an expensive type of regular, ordinary mud. However,it's important to know that it is most definitely not the same. Infact, regular mud is dirty, unsanitary and contains high levels oftoxins, such as lead and bacteria, which can have a damaging effect onthe skin. On the other hand, Dead Sea mud is very useful for cleansingand purifying the skin.

Dead Sea mud is actually one of themost beneficial types of mud in the world. In fact, medical researchhas shown that mud from the Dead Sea can be used to cure a variety ofdifferent skin conditions. For example, Dead Sea mud is very effectivefor the treatment of acne, psoriasis, eczema, arthritis pain,fibromyalgia, muscle stiffness, joint inflammation, dry skin, etc. Evenindividuals who don't suffer from these conditions enjoy the benefitsof applying Dead Sea Mud to their skin because it has a high density ofboth salts and minerals, which are ideal for keeping skin feelinghealthy and youthful.

The Dead Sea is a very salty body ofwater, with a saline level between 28% and 35%. Even the world'ssaltiest oceans are only 3% to 6%. The Dead Sea's high mineral saltcontent is partly due to the fact that it is completely landlocked, soany water that flows into it from the Jordan River is trapped until itevaporates. Evaporation happens quickly because that particular regionis extremely hot. When the water evaporates, the salty minerals areleft behind, causing the remaining water to become concentrated withsalt.

As the Dead Sea water evaporates, the salt and mineralsget absorbed into the mud at the bottom of the sea. This mud is thenextracted and packaged, with all the impurities removed. The mineralswhich are present in the mud are all natural minerals which your skinneeds. By using Dead Sea mud, or a mud mask, you are basically feedingyour skin the essential minerals that it needs to maintain propermoisture levels.

Medical research has now confirmed that theminerals and salts from the Dead Sea contain healing properties thatare effective in treating various diseases and skin allergies. Inaddition, it is common for the skin to show improvement in its outerappearance and elasticity after coming in contact with Dead Seaminerals.

Better blood circulation, metabolism and a morerelaxed nervous system are also common results of using Dead Sea mud.It has also been known to heal wounds, stimulate hair roots, curedermatitis, eliminate dandruff, heal bone and cartilage inflammation,relieve stress and fatigue, etc.

Dead Sea mud is one of thehealthiest things you can use on your skin. Studies show that theminerals found in the Dead Sea provide the body and skin with extensivebenefits, including but not limited to the following:


  • Promotion and healing of skin tissue.
  • Maintaining proper moisture levels.
  • Prevents and cures allergies.
  • Provides the skin with anti-allergenic protection.
  • Protects against airborne pollutants.
  • Helps to counteract internal toxins.
  • Aids relaxation and promotes a soothing effect.
  • Improves blood circulation and natural skin generation.
  • Cleanses the skin and removes dirt particles, impurities and toxins.
  • Provides effective relief for skin disorders such as psoriasis, eczema, acne and wrinkles.
  • Moisturizes the skin and helps natural skin hydration.
  • Exfoliates dead skin cells to reveal a more healthier and youthful layer of skin.

When Dead Sea mud dries on the surface of the skin, it pulls out anytoxins that may be present in your skin cells from your everyday diet.This leaves the skin completely clean, refreshed and pure. It alsofirms and tightens the skin, providing an exceptional anti-agingbenefit, leaving the skin looking younger.

"Comprised ofmany layers of sedimentary clay formed over thousands of years, richblack mineral mud from the Dead Sea contains an extremely highconcentration of minerals, scientifically proven to be essential in themaintenance of healthy skin," says Frank Buonanotte, CEO of HoneymarkInternational. "Our Mud Mask replenishes and revitalizes the skin,restoring its natural suppleness and moisture levels while alleviatingand soothing soreness, redness and cracking."

For more information or to purchase Honeymark's Dead Sea Mud Mask, call 1-866-427-7329 or visit www.HoneymarkProducts.com.

Posted by Honeymark at 3:35 PM 0 comments

Labels: Dead Sea Mud, Dead Sea Mud Mask, facial mud masks, Manuka Honey, mineral mud mask, mud face mask, Mud Mask, mud mask products, mud masks, mud masque

Thursday, August 27, 2009

Manuka Honey for the Treatment of Irritable Bowel Syndrome

Honeyderived from the Manuka plant is being used as a natural alternative tomedication for the effective treatment of irritable bowel syndrome.

Statistics indicate that 1 in 5 Americans suffer from Irritable BowelSyndrome (IBS). Because of feelings of embarrassment, many patientshave been known to wait up to 3 years to see their doctor about IBSsymptoms.

Irritable Bowel Syndrome is a group of symptoms thataffect the colon (large intestine). If you have IBS, your colon musclesmight contract too much, causing diarrhea, or not enough, causingconstipation. IBS symptoms can be triggered by stress, illness, somemedications and certain foods (i.e. dairy products, caffeine oralcohol).

IBS symptoms include abdominal pain, cramping,bloating and gas, especially after eating. Individuals suffering fromirritable bowel syndrome also experience constipation, diarrhea orboth. Other symptoms include mucus in the stool and having the urge tomove your bowels after already doing so. Oddly enough, most people withIBS only have mild to moderate symptoms. Very few people experiencesevere symptoms.

The cause of Irritable Bowel Syndrome isunknown. However, there is a way to control it. Manuka Honey from NewZealand is used by many to successfully treat IBS. The osmotic effectof this particular type of honey helps stool to move by affecting theway fluids move into the colon. Since Manuka Honey is a natural healer,it's been found to have no negative side effects when used formedicinal purposes.

"Manuka Honey has more healing propertiesthan any other honey," says Frank Buonanotte, CEO of HoneymarkInternational which is the largest importer of Manuka Honey in the U.S."These healing properties are derived from the Manuka plant which isindigenous to New Zealand . Manuka Honey's healing abilities are knownto consistently outperform traditional forms of medication."

For more information or to purchase Manuka Honey, call 1-866-427-7329 or visit www.HoneymarkProducts.com.

Posted by Honeymark at 11:16 AM 1 comments

Labels: IBS, irritable bowel syndrome, irritable bowel syndrome medication, irritable bowel syndrome medicine, irritable bowel syndrome natural, Manuka Honey

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Manuka Honey for the Treatment of Heartburn and Acid Reflux Disease

Aspecial type of honey indigenous to New Zealand has been found to beeffective in eliminating the discomfort of heartburn and Acid RefluxDisease.

Heartburn is when you have a burningsensation in your chest behind your breastbone. It is a symptom of acidreflux disease. This is when acid from your stomach flows back intoyour esophagus. Persistent heartburn two or more days per week is themost common symptom of acid reflux disease. Other signs includecoughing, wheezing, hoarseness, sore throat or difficulty swallowing.Some people experience food coming back into their mouths afterswallowing. Others experience a sour or bitter taste in their mouth,belching or burning chest pain that may get worse after eating or lyingdown.

Everyone experiences heartburn once in a while. However,if you have heartburn two or more days per week, experience symptomsfor several months or if the symptoms disrupt your sleep, you may haveacid reflux disease.

When you swallow, the muscular walls ofyour esophagus contract to push food down into your stomach. Youresophagus is a tube that connects your mouth and stomach. In normaldigestion, a muscular valve opens to let food into your stomach andcloses to keep food and stomach acid from flowing back into youresophagus. If you have heartburn or acid reflux disease, this valve isweak or it relaxes at the wrong time, causing stomach acid to flow backinto your esophagus. When stomach acid touches the lining of theesophagus, it creates a burning feeling in your chest or throat. If youhave frequent heartburn or acid reflux disease, your esophagus canbecome damaged.

Other health conditions that affect yourdigestive system can increase your risk of developing acid refluxdisease such as obesity, hiatal hernia, asthma, etc. There ismedication available to treat heartburn and acid reflux disease butthey usually have a tendency to cause negative side effects such asdiarrhea, abdominal pain, nausea, upper respiratory tract infections,vomiting and flatulence. Antacids can be used to manage occasionalheartburn but they don't provide long-term relief or help to healdamage to your esophagus. In addition, overusing antacids can lead toconstipation or diarrhea.

There is a natural solution forheartburn and acid reflux disease. It's called Manuka Honey and it isderived from the nectar of the flowers that grow on the Manuka tea treewhich is indigenous to New Zealand . Taking one teaspoon of ManukaHoney about a half hour before breakfast, lunch and dinner and then afourth time before bed will reduce or eliminate the symptoms of acidreflux disease.

"Manuka Honey has been used as a medicine inNew Zealand for decades but has been recently gaining recognition as anatural healing agent in other countries," says Frank Buonanotte, CEOof Honeymark International which is the largest importer of ManukaHoney in the U.S. "Manuka Honey has very powerful healing propertiesthat have been found to have no negative side effects when used formedicinal purposes. We refer to it as natures best kept secret."

For more information or to purchase Manuka Honey, call 1-866-427-7329 or visit www.HoneymarkProducts.com.

Posted by Honeymark at 12:01 PM 0 comments

Labels: acid reflux disease, acid reflux disease symptoms, acid reflux disease treatment, acid reflux natural cures, cure acid reflux disease, heartburn, Manuka Honey, stomach acid

Monday, August 24, 2009

Manuka Honey - Natural, Effective, Healthy & Pure

Derivedfrom the Manuka tea tree, this unique type of honey is effective intreating a wide range of health conditions with no negative sideeffects.

In the clean, pollution-freecountryside of New Zealand , a plant known to the natives as the Manukatea tree grows wild. A very special flower grows on this plant thatcontains nectar that is rich in medicinal components not found anywhereelse in the world. When bees use this nectar to produce honey, a veryunique byproduct is formed.

Some people look at honey asmerely a food item. However, honey was used as a medicine for thousandsof years, prior to the advent of modern day medicine. It has now beendiscovered that Manuka Honey from New Zealand contains healingproperties not found in any other type of honey. In fact, its medicinalvalue often outperforms most traditional forms of medicine, without therisk of negative side effects. Researchers have found that Manuka Honeycontains natural antibacterial, antiviral and anti-fungal properties,making it capable of treating health conditions caused by a bacteria,virus or fungus.

Manuka Honey

mijew 2013-05-17 03:55:45

半夜睡不著 ..... 煩!!